Three Daughters
                                         Veeraswamy Krishnaraj

There were three sisters in the town of Kodil coming from a well-to-do family. Their names were Satvi, Rajasi, and Tamasi. The parents' regret was they had no son to carry the family name. They never expressed their disappointment to the daughters, but the latter had an inkling. Like all children from prosperous families, they went to private schools and graduated from colleges. The parents bought three flats for the three women in three locations in the city, so the eligible bachelors had inducements to marry their daughters. Besides, specially made jewels by famous designers in the town graced every part of their anatomy. The girls looked like beautiful trees with ornaments hanging from branches. They had the looks and the grace and did not need the jewels to augment their appeal to eligible bachelors. In the town, a woman needed to flaunt gold and diamonds to show the privileged station in life. The three women were intelligent; the jewels were only an early fascination, which would wither away in time. 
Their wealth and position intimidated the eligible bachelors. It is fun to ride a tame horse, but no one wanted to be a broncobuster. Men thought of the three young women in that light. Eligible bachelors feared the relationship between them and the young women. Each would bring a flat (apartment), a suitcase of jewels, a big ego, and an assortment of baggage. No one wanted to be a baggage handler or a carrier. No one ever spoke to the women or the parents to know them. They have seen them at a distance exiting high-end shops. No one thought that wealth and humility could be companions. How could it be? People believe that: Hubris and wealth are soul companions.
The young women were dissimilar in their views, customs, and manners. Satvi and Tamasi were antipodal. Satvi was virtuous, intelligent, hardworking, and egalitarian in her outlook. She was a people person. She helped her mother in the kitchen and would go on to the platform to campaign for her father. Yes, her father was mayor Kodilan of Kodil. Yes, she had a degree in communications. Yes, they were influential people. No, all these did not cloud her mind. She was vibrant, sophisticated, and yet humble. Men did not see it that way. A man older by five years to Satvi knew the family and the young women. Satvi was a student in his class and course he offered on philosophy. He was not rich but descended from a family of scholars. His name was Sudama, and his friends called him by his moniker, Kuchela.
The three girls went to a fair in the city. Did they take the bus? No way. A Limo and a driver were at their disposal. They were going from shop to shop, from one eatery to the next and just only spending time and money in fun and frolic. Rajasi would break away, take her own little detours and join the two back again. She would talk fast and in phrases, never in complete sentences. She was a stream of ideas, not fully formed and gelled. She was an extrovert and behaved like a runaway bus without a driver. Tamasi and Satvi stayed together during their visit to the fair. Tamasi had a dark mind with dark thoughts. Externally, she would behave normally. Only she knew that she had these dark thoughts but was cautious enough not to air them. She was a high-functioning introvert with exploitive tendency.
The professor was visiting the fair alone by himself. Satvi noticed him but was hesitant to acknowledge him. Rajasi goaded her to greet him. Even before she could muster her courage to approach him, he came over and bid them a hello. They exchanged pleasantries and went for snacks. They engaged in pleasant conversation; Satvi and Sudama caught up on all tidbits between her graduation and the fairgrounds. Satvi behaved reservedly only answering the questions of Sudama and not letting her hair down. She was discrete, polite, and honest in her replies.
After this rather brief encounter, Satvi offered to drop Sudama off at his residence, which he graciously accepted. By fate, Satvi and Sudama sat side by side with Sudama by the door for a quick exit. They exchanged frequent lightning, fast smiles with no exhaled words. Sudama bid good-bye left the limo and faded into the darkness of a moonless night.
The women narrated to their parents the accidental meeting with Prof. Sudama.
There was a reception for Jawans and officers belonging in the city and coming from the battlefront. The mayor's family went to the annual hosting of the military members, as was normal under those circumstances. There were many Jawans (soldiers) and a passel of officers. There were food and drinks, entertainment, introductions, and socialization between the military and the civilians. Sudama was there to meet his uncle, who was nearing retirement age. Satvi met and was chatting with him. Sudama introduced the three sisters to other military officers. Rajasi felt a gravitational pull towards a young officer, a radar specialist and the son of a leading industrialist. His moolah was more appealing to Rajasi than his looks and vocation. Tamasi fell for Lobhi, the son of the caterer. He looked his best for the occasion, but to his father's regret, he was pompous, greedy... Lobhi graduated from the university with a degree in hotel management with more Cs than As or Bs. His underlings did all the administrative work, but he had the degree and the backing from his father, who owned a luxurious five-star hotel in the city. He would rent the hotel rooms for an hour to the local pricey prostitutes and pocket the money for himself. The hotel staff would receive a pittance from him for their soulless silence and loyalty. He, being the head of the prostitution ring in the city, was a corrupting influence on law enforcement officials. The high officials were at his beck and call by maintaining dossiers on their runaway sexploits with hookers making his bid at the hotel. Lobhi kept his personal life clean. The underlings in his father's hotel did all the dirty work providing him ironclad protection and anonymity.
Each had unexpected instant dates with three men who were around their ages. They exchanged phone numbers and addresses; at the end of the function, they all left the grounds.
In the get-together, the father of the three girls kept a watch on the movement of the girls and their primary points of gravitation. He sent his secretary to discreetly inquire about the three young men and report back to him. The mayor found out he knew their families, though not personally. The mother of the young women had small talk with the three young men, who were from "good families" and had "spotless reputation," good enough for the mother of the three young women.

Rajasi was a Machiavellian manipulator in the family in election campaigns. While Satvi extolled the qualities of her party, platform, and her father, Rajasi went to various wards to promote her own candidates for councilman in the city administration. She would play one promising candidate against another and eventually support the one close to her needs, ideas, and ideals. Whenever there was an appointment in the different departments, she had a hand in it. Her father did not know, a corrupting influence originated from within his family. Rajasi and Tamasi worked together. While Rajasi was a peddler of influence, Tamasi was the exploiter. Satvi had no hand in their manipulations, influence-peddling, and exploitation of city workers.
Tamasi, as the daughter of the mayor, persuaded various department employees to work for her and the family, all without the knowledge of her father. One day a week, one employee by turn from the Parks Department would mow the lawns, take care of the flower beds and water the plants at her father's humongous mansion. It was not unusual that the police officers drove the car for her. With that advantage and connection to the PD, traffic violations of her friends were fixed on the spot by calls from them to her. Double parking, parking on curbs, speeding at her instance, and sometimes using police patrol cars as pilot cars were all acceptable for her. No one paid attention to irregularities, and everyone in the mayoral office wanted to please the women. She was in command as the daughter of the mayor. She obtained driving licenses for her friends without road tests. The building department employees did repairs of their flats, do the plumbing... Rajasi found out about the exploitation of the city employees by Tamasi, and instead of condemnation, she condoned her behavior and became a participant. When their cars needed repair, they would take them to the city-owned garage to fix them at no cost. They bought stuff at a military cantonment discount store through women soldiers they knew. So cheap and exploitative they became. In the malls, they persuaded the store employees to buy fashion clothes for them at a ten percent discount meant for employees only. Movie houses gave away free tickets to Tamasi and Rajasi. The only places, they did not exploit or cheat were the temples. They put real money in the Hundis (Slotted strongbox for cash collection in the temple). They were so much concerned with their image, they participated and gave real time in charitable events and fund drives. No one knew whether they misappropriated the funds for charitable causes.  
With parental consent, Satvi would go out with Sudama for movies, shopping... The mother entrusted their safety to a police officer who would tail them without their knowledge. Satvi drove her own car. During one of those outings with Sudama, a cab hit her car broadside (T-bone collision) on the passenger side. The force was such her car was pushed to the opposite lane, and another vehicle hit her car head-on. The car was totaled, but luckily, it did not burst into flames. Both extricated themselves with minor bruises. The tailing policeman called the ambulance, which took them to the hospital, and later they were released. Satvi drove her own car and got into trouble. Tamasi, chauffeured by the city cops, had no problems. That is life.

One day, the mayor stopped by the flower bed and had a small talk with the gardener. The city worker simply dropped his tools, stood up and behaved in an obsequious manner. (You don't talk to your boss with garden tools on hand; that is threatening; the gardener knew it.) The mayor noticed the city seal on his shirt. Upon further inquiry, he found out that Tamasi used him at no cost for the family. The mayor immediately called his daughter and admonished her right within the earshot of the gardener. He informed the city council he would pay back the city for all the services rendered to his family by the city workers. The councilmen and women accepted the offer because they knew that Tamasi and Rajasi were exploiting the city workers without the knowledge of the mayor. Luckily, there ended the matter without getting into the newspapers. The city and the councilors knew the mayor on his own had an impeccable character.

In the following months, the women drove themselves, paid for repairs, employed an independent gardener, and became upstanding citizens. As time went by, the women married their respective men of choice: Satvi married Sudama, Rajasi, Raman, the radar specialist in the military and Tamasi, Lobhi, the son of the hotelier-caterer. In due course of time, Tamasi found out about her husband's nefarious activities and put an end to them by threatening to leave him unless he came out clean. Raman took early retirement from the military and stood in the elections for councilman. Satvi persuaded Rajasi to be a straight shooter and be honest in her campaign effort on behalf of her husband.

In Hinduism, objects and beings come in three flavors: Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas (Virtue, Passion, and Darkness). Example: Water is Sattva; steam is Rajas, and the ice cube is Tamas. Jesus Christ and Gandhi are Sattvic; Rajaratnam is Rajasic; Hitler is Tamasic. A variable combination of these qualities in people is the norm. Hinduism gives the hope that a Tamasic or a Rajasic person can become Sattvic. God is Suddha Sattvam (Pure Virtue). Hinduism states that the soul divested of Rajas and Tamas (malas = impurities) is eligible for emancipation.
Work, principle, conscience, character, morality, humanity, and sacrifice are the seven supporting pillars of Sattva.  
Satvi Weds Sudama.
Once Satvi expressed her desire to marry Sudama to her mother and later to her father, they asked the family astrologer about the compatibility of their horoscopes. Satvi in advance obtained the horoscope of Sudama. The astrologer studied their horoscopes diligently and announced that harmony existed in their horoscopes. He prognosticated their lives together, wealth, travel, vocations, children, beneficial effects of their horoscopes on parents, and in-laws. Vāgdānam (giving away the bride to the Groom by word of mouth = Betrothal) ceremony took place. Sudama's parents approached Satvi's for approval, which was promptly given in the ceremony. It is also known as kanyâdânam (= bestowal of a daughter in marriage). Clothes, rice, flowers...were exchanged in the presence of the officiating family priest. The most notable missing part of this ceremony was that Sudama's parents did not ask for a dowry, showing their prevailing attitude to marriage. Satvi's parents went to Sudama's home and offered fruits and clothes.

A day was fixed for the wedding.
Satvi's marriage to Sudama followed Hindu manners and customs. Satvi and her husband had a general idea of what was expected of them during the wedding ceremony. On the morning of the marriage, she (both) had a refreshing bath with water consecrated with hymns and mantras. She looked happy and bright and smiled like a newly blossomed lotus flower. Womenfolk held a yoke over her bamboo-like shoulders and dressed her in finery as they chanted hymns. She left the dressing room accompanied by her sisters, aunts, and mother. The priests, family members and close friends clustered around the sacrificial platform with the fire burning in the makeshift fire pit. Satvi stood on a slab of stone, which represented the firmness and strength in her conjugal fidelity to her husband. Sudama repeated Sanskrit verses after the priest, took hold of the hand of Satvi and made an oath to cherish her.
Sudama presented Satvi clothes and jewelry on his and his family's behalf; she returned to the wedding platform with the new clothes and jewelry. Sudama's face lighted up like the rising sun, and he showered her with effusive petals of praise. Yes, she looked like Mahalakshmi. He was Vishnu. The couple uttered verses to beat back evil forces and demons and went in a procession. The priest chanted verses first giving away the bride to Soma (moon god), then to Gandharva (celestial musician), and then to Agni (Fire God), who gave away the bride to Sudama. The procession came to the Groom's house and the chanted mantras evicted the demons from the house. Sudama led Satvi into his house and sat with her. The Garhapatya fire (Household fire) in a covered wrapper was brought to her. She sat on a mat sprinkled with Bālbaja Grass (Eleusine indica = Indian goosegrass, Wiregrass, Crowfootgrass BAlbaja grass). Agni was the object of worship for her and her husband. Where there is no Agni (fire, heat), there is no life.

The Wedding Ceremony

The priest blessed her as follows, "Let many children come forth from the lap (womb) of this woman. As the auspicious omen smiles on you, sit thou by this fire, with your husband; be thou of service to the gods. The auspicious omens, shining on you, are propitious to your husband, of great weal to your father-in-law, pleasing to your mother-in-law, your husband, the house and to the entire clan. Be thou their property ("You remain their loyal friend," in modern parlance). This bride brings good omens. Come and see her. All with evil in the hearts, both young and old, bring luster to her; otherwise, go away to your homes."
The priest offered prayers to Lord Ganesa, the Lord of new beginnings. On the wedding platform, garlands were exchanged by Sudama and Satvi. Sudama tied the sacred auspicious thread around the neck of Satvi, uttering the sacred Mantra of mutual friendship and long life. Sudama and Satvi dabbed kumkum (red dot) on the foreheads of each other. The groom inserted the toe ring on Satvi and tied together the ends of Satvi's sari and his aṅka-vastiram (Upper Cloth). They went around the fire with Sudama leading Satvi. Then they took the ceremonial seven steps, and Sudama said, "One for sap (energy), two for juice (strength), three for wealth, four for comfort, five for cattle (property), six for seasons, seven for devotion and union with me."
Consummation followed the wedding ceremony. A priest conducted a consummation ceremony near their nuptial room, which was decorated with festoons of flowers; the bed had strewn rose petals; sweets in rainbow colors were placed on the table; the room with attached bathroom abounded with fragrance. The ceiling was a make-believe moon-lit night sky with neon and LED stars. There was a small refrigerator in the corner. (Here is a wedding with tradition and modern conveniences.)
The four married female relatives, two from each side led her to the bridal chamber and made her sit on the nuptial couch. Sudama and Satvi applied kumkum to each other. Garments were exchanged. The celestial Visvavasu, the Gandharva chief of maidens, was resident in maiden Satvi; he was requested to exit from Satvi's body, so Sudama can perform Garbhadhana on Satvi. Agni or Fire-god was supplicated to yield Sudama and Satvi ten sons. Author: Why was Agni not supplicated to yield them some girls?

The Night of Nuptials
When Sudama and Satvi were in bed together for the first time, they had a stick between them. That stick was the god Visvavasu, the god of Thelarche (Explanation in the table).
Sudama uttered the following, "O Visvavasu, thank you very much for nurturing Satvi until she had her thelarche. I want you to rise from the bed, leave us alone, seek and nurture another girl tender in years, needing your assistance. Now that Satvi is my wife leave her unto me. I prostrate to thee and beg of you this favor."
Once this was uttered, the staff was discarded, symbolizing the dismissal of god Visvavasu. Though Sudama dismissed Visvavasu, he did not dismiss Agni, the god of menarche and the third husband of Satvi. Where there is no fire (heat), there is no life. That was the reason Sudama did not dismiss the Fire-God from his wife.
Author's opinion: Staff in many cultures means phallus. The earliest use of Maypole in America was in 1628. Around the Maypole, there was drinking, dancing, debauching and frisking galore going on in a never-ending Bacchanalia. The west is fascinated with the phallic symbolism of Linga (and Visvavasu as a staff) of Hindus. Look at the pole and the pole dancer; its prurient symbolism is unmistakable. So is the case with innocent-looking Maypole, its hidden prurience and a mob reveling around the pole. This is another instance of a pole or a stick representing the male sexual organ. Consider the Aranis (two tinder sticks). In Vedic times, they were compared to husband and wife. The upper stick grinds on the lower stick to create sparks (= fire, life, children).
(Gods of Pubarche, Thelarche, and Menarche. Pubarche = Development of pubic hair; Thelarche = Development of breasts; Menarche = First periods. I named the gods Soma, Visvavasu, and Agni as Gods of Pubarche, Thelarche, and Menarche. In Hindu tradition, the celestials enjoy (nurture) the girls before the husbands do. The sacred texts mention: Gods Soma, Visvavasu, and Agni enjoy (upbringing) the woman from birth till marriage before the husband does. Every Hindu woman has four husbands: Soma = Moon-god, the god of plants and god in charge of mind; Visvavasu = Gandharva or the atmospheric deity (godling), protector of virgins; Agni = the God of Fire; and the Earthly Husband. The women are not tainted because of these "serial marriages or polyandry." The indwelling moon god watches over the physical growth presides over the mind and nurtures woman until she develops pubic hair. Visvavasu protects, makes the body beautiful with right skin tone and nurtures the woman until her breasts become round, mature, turgid and jutting, her eyes speak the language of love, her skin glows with vibrant complexion and body radiant with the ebullience of youth. The God of Fire (Agni) brings on menstruation, the sine qua non of being a woman in full measure, so she is ready to bear children. Menstruation in Hindu tradition is building of tension in the body of a woman and time-limited monthly exsanguination to relieve the pressure. Soma, Visvavasu, and Agni inhabit, cohabit with and nurture the woman from birth, Soma leaving the woman at Pubarche, Visvasu leaving at Thelarche, and Agni leaving at Pubarche. Agni actually never abandons, because there is no life without Agni (fire and heat). I think that Soma, Visvavasu, and Agni are gods of Pubarche, Thelarche, and Menarche.) When God made the first woman, he was at the height of passion. God made her in circles, triangles, quadrangles, and every conceivable shape to make her look the best. God created man in simple straight lines in the evening when he was tired.


gods of pubarche... 


Moon (= Soma, Chandra) is Siva Bindu and also Sita Bindu (White Bindu cf semen). Fire (Agni) is Sakti Bindu and also Sona Bindu (Red Bindu cf menstrual fluid or ovum). Sun is a mixture of both. Fire is Will; Moon is Knowledge; Sun is Action (Iccha, Jnana and Kriya). Ontic Sita Bindu or White Bindu on its descent to material level becomes semen and ontic Sona Bindu (Red Bindu) to Menstrual fluid. In ancient times menstrual fluid (ovum), was taken as the counterpart of sperm.
Bindu is a dot, drop, semen, the spot between the eyebrows, Siva Jnana Sakti or Pure Maya. Bindu is located inside the head corresponds to the posterior fontanel area, where the Brahmanas wear their tuft. Bindu in a pure conserved state is the nucleus of the universe from which everything proceeds. When it undergoes lysis, it becomes semen or menstrual fluid (ovum). Don't ask for proof. Sahasrara Chakra is at the top, Bindu in the middle, and Ajna Chakra below the Bindu.



The family presented the officiating priest a silk garment, with which the demons would leave the house. The couple received benedictions from the gods, the priest, and the family.
At last, Sudama welcomed his newly-minted wife in the nuptial chamber and said, "I am your man; you are my woman. I am Sama Veda, thou the Rg Veda. I am heaven, thou the earth. We will dwell together, with children in the offing."
Sudama and Satvi did not observe Tri-ratra-Vrata (Vow of Three-Night-Abstinence = a sign of self-control), following marriage that day.

Garbhadhana ceremony = Insemination, Fertilization, Impregnation, Ceremony performed before conception or after menstruation to ensure conception.
Hindu Saṃskāras = Sacraments, Purification rites. Garbhadhana is a rite by which a man deposits (sows) his seeds in a woman. He is heaven, and she is earth. He rains from heaven, so the seed in the earth becomes a sapling. In western parlance, it is mere copulation or coitus; in Hindu Vedic households, it is a sacred rite. It also goes by the name Garbhalambhanam. Laugh, if you must. Everything a Hindu does is a Samskara. Yes, sexual intercourse (politely called 'Congress') is Samskara. Talk to a strict adherent to Garbhadhana ritual. He may hesitate or feel reticent to reveal his secret rituals, because you may think it is all weird. There are days a Hindu can have (ritual) congress, and days he cannot. He has his mental calendar in his sight. Before the man deposits his seeds, he had to utter Vedic hymns, worship Puranic gods, his mother (Mātṛpūja) with joyous sincerity and faith (Nāndśiraddha), and Ganesa, the Lord of New Beginnings. The ritual act is performed according to Rtu (established order) between the fourth and sixteenth night after her periods. The 4th night is accepted as the earliest ceremonially pure night for conception. Any scattering of seeds in days (nights) other than from 4th to 16th was tantamount to abortion because seeds were wasted. Daytime congress is prohibited because the vital airs of the man in the daytime "leap out" (they 'leap back in' in the night!) and the children born (of daytime conception) were weak and unlucky with a short lifespan. Postprandial congress in the offices is a no-no in Hindu tradition.
When and When Not
Conception on nights farther away from the impurity of periods results in purer and meritorious children.
Even nights for the conception of sons and odd nights for girls. Yes, some Hindus avoid an odd-night encounter.
A plethora of semen and periods determine the gender of the offspring.
Conception on 8th, 14th, 15th, 30th and festival days is prohibited.
If a Brahmana follows these rules, he is a bachelor (!) for all lofty religious purposes.
Manu of The Laws of Manu prohibits conception on the 11th and the 13th, the days for religious observance.
Polygamous king in the medieval period "scattered" his seeds, according to the caste of a woman.
Preference was given to the childless women in the harem.
In Vedic times, a widow invited the brother-in-law to sow the seeds with permission from elders.
To be fruitful and multiply was the first priority of the woman for the benefit of the family.
Later, this leviratical practice was disallowed.
Levirate: the custom of marriage by a man with his brother's widow, such marriage required in Biblical law if the deceased was childless. Deut. 25:5-10.
Approaching the wife during the fertility nights (Rtu) is a compulsory and sacred duty for a man.
The Indo-Aryans wanted ten (to sixteen) children to expand the population and territory.
The prolific father had a guaranteed place in heaven. (Why no mention of mother!)
The debts of forefathers would be paid off by the progeny.
To be prolific is to earn religious merit.
Extinction (of a clan) is a sin as prolificity (prolificness) is merit.
Don't Approach (no hanky-panky with) the barren, the old, the corrupt, the postmenopausal, the minor, the prolific, the menstruating, the angry, the ungenerous, the promiscuous, the passionless, the hungry and the gluttonous.
When the Indo-Aryans increased in numbers and acquired more territory, loosening of injunctions took place.
Reference and quotes--Hindu Samskaras by Rajbali Pandey.


The child conceived on a night following the beginning of periods has following attributes.
RTU nights are the ideal nights for conception.
Post-menstrual encounter (Congress) Disposition of progeny
A Son conceived on the 4th night has a short lifespan and poverty.
A girl conceived on the 5th night will give birth to female children. 
A Son conceived on the 6th night attains mediocrity. 
A girl conceived on the 7th night becomes barren.
A son conceived on the 8th night becomes a Lord or prosperous.
A girl conceived on the 9th night grows to be an auspicious woman.
A Son conceived on the 10th night becomes wise.
A girl conceived on the 11th night becomes women with irreligion.
A Son conceived on the 12th night  becomes the best among man. 
A girl conceived on the 13th night  becomes an adulterous woman. 
A Son conceived on the 14th night becomes a religious, grateful, self-realized and firm of vow.
A girl conceived on the 15th night  becomes a prolific mother of sons, devoted to her husband. 
Conception at 16th night results in a protector, learned, auspicious, truthful, and self-controlled.

The coital rituals are as important as all too common foreplay. The man invokes Vishnu, Tvastar, Prajapati, and Dhatar before he scatters the seeds in the fertile womb of an earth-woman. The purpose is for the man and the woman bear a son. (There was no mention of a daughter.) The woman should climb on the bed happy in mind, prepared in body and soul and ready to take in the seed to produce a son. The actual congress is not described in the sacred texts, but we have to assume it is natural and conventional. The practitioners of the arts of Kamasutra have many choices and positions at their disposal.
The husband disrobed, rubbed his body making assurances to the gods and the woman, he is virile, uttered hymns and Mantras, prayed to god Pusan for conception, "embraced" (had intercourse with) his partner, and "scattered" (deposited) the seeds. Then the husband leaning on her right shoulder, says, "O thou whose hair is well parted. Thy heart that dwells in heaven, in the moon, I know; may it know me. May we see a hundred autumns" (The modern woman has a zigzag midline partition of hair as a fashion statement; it is not approved; it is not Rtu; it isn't "kosher." I hope the woman got the message.)
Pusan is a Vedic deity, keeper of flocks and herds and bringer of prosperity; being the sun-god, he surveys all things and acts as a conductor (guide) on journeys and on the way to the next world.
Ritual Scattering of the Seeds
Satvi (our heroine) belonged to a traditional family, who believed in Hindu customs and manners. Garbhadhana Samskara or Ksetra Samskara was performed to purify the field, Ksetra, or the womb, so it received the seeds auspiciously to produce auspicious children. Satvi became pregnant sometime after her marriage to her husband (fourth in line) following the injunctions of Garbhadhana. Satvi won't have it any other way. He practiced his dry-run rituals assiduously often without the participation of his future wife lest he forgets the procedural elements before he scattered his seeds in Satvi. Smart as Sudama was, he performed the family-imposed sacerdotal rituals before he let loose his foreplay. Once he sowed his seeds, he, by injunctions, took a bath; his wife was exempted from the postcoital shower and still pure. After they get up from the bed following a consortium, the man is impure, and the woman is conversely unpolluted. (There might be fear, that a postcoital bath by the woman may accidentally drain and wash off the seeds, defeating the elaborate procedures, hymns, Mantras, garbhadhana...)
Ritual purification for Sudama (our hero) in his mind was to make sure Satvi was immune to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. She was protected and fortified with Tdap, Flu vaccine..., so the newborn was healthy.
Satvi sang devotional songs loud and played on musical instruments every day during morning prayer, so the baby (the unborn fetus) can hear mother's voice and absorb the good and auspicious vibrations from the music. Every fetus hears the mother's heartbeat. Satvi attended religious discourses and music festivals of devotional nature and visited the temples, so the unborn can listen to the temple bells, the Mantras uttered by the priests and the loud chanting and invocation of God by the devotees like 'Govinda, Govinda.' She ate only Sattvic foods avoiding anything too salty, too bitter, too sweet, too hot, too astringent... Science is yet to catch up with long-held Hindu traditions it is just not enough for the fetus to grow physically but it be exposed to vocal and instrumental music, religious discourses... so when he and she grows up in the outside world, they would develop a liking to fine arts and music and become good citizens.


A full term baby boy was born right on time, which was the same birthday as Sudama's. They named him Satvan (much later in another Samskara--Naming Ceremony.) He was a beautiful baby, hale and healthy, with ten toes and ten fingers in place. The mother-in-law declared he had all the Lakshanas (attributes) of good baby. Every time a close relative walked in the private maternity room, he or she saw the reflection of his or her face in the baby. He was born in a "Private Nursing Home" (Private Maternity Hospital Rated High). The delivery went well. Satvi had an easy delivery because her pelvis was wide and yet she was callipygian. Sudama was happy that she was not butt-heavy, dragging the derriere. During ritual congress, Sudama would hold her posteriors by hand and assist her in her upward thrusts coinciding with his metronomic intromission. (callipygian = having well-shaped buttocks.)
Satvan just dropped out just in time for the OB to catch him. Tamasi, the youngest among sisters, because of a narrow pelvis and slow progress had to have a cesarean section and had an almost invisible linear scar in the lower abdomen. 
As soon as he was born, the family registered him for admission in the topnotch kindergarten school. Nobody would believe it. This happens in big towns among the prosperous families. The seats are sold at a premium. Since he was the mayor's grandson, they had no problem making the reservation and paying the fees up front.
Satvan went home with the mother, who breastfed him according to Indian tradition. Even before the umbilical cord fell, the clan came visiting to the delight of grandparents and to the consternation of the parents, who feared the baby catching bad germs from the visitors. Thank God, Satvi did not have to cook and clean because she moved into her parents' mansion. There were umpteen servants, now on salary, to do the chores.

Gifts Come Pouring in
Because the grandfather was a mayor, Tom, Dick and Harry (= Damban, Idumban and Sumban =
டம்பன், இடும்பன், சும்பன்) from the mayor's office and the elite were piling high in the mansion and bringing gifts, mostly clothes. There were racks and racks of baby clothes, they gave them away free to newborn nursery at the city hospital. Most of the gift-givers would avert their eyes, when the begging children showed up and tapped on the car doors for small alms. The same people were jostling one another and jumping queues to be noticed by the mayor while they parted with their gifts. The mayor appointed a paid accountant (கணக்குப்பிள்ளை = kaṇakku-p-pillai = auditor of accounts) to take inventory of all gifts.

Disbursements and charitable-giving

It was raining baby booties; they did not know what to do with them. Indian mothers rarely use the booties on their babies. Again, they had to give them away. There were so many gifts of clanging silver spoons and cups, they had to melt them, sold them, and gave away the money to Children's Aid Society. Then bottled milk and baby food in bottles came in from the manufacturers and city counselors. They refused to accept bottled formula and baby foods, because the baby was nursing and not ready for baby food until six months of age. Besides, the parents intended to feed Satvan home-made baby food. They did not give away the baby food in bottles to indigent families because, they would not feed the babies manufactured food. The baby food in the bottles smelled bad for the Indian noses, used to condiments. Besides, they would dump the food and save the bottles. No one gave baby formula because they thought that would be an insult to the mother, and most of the Indian mothers believe in breast-feeding the babies.

All the gifts came to thousands of rupees; the parents had to declare that taxable amount to the tax department but broke even with the charitable contributions.

Rajasi finds out she is 47,XXX Woman. Rajasi devises ingenious solution.

Rajasi has not had a baby yet. That was a concern for her, her husband, her parents and in-laws. Rajasi, a fully functioning female in every respect, went for a consultation with the OB-GYN. Everything appeared normal except there were only two streaks in the place of ovaries in the ultrasound examination. The doctor diagnosed ovarian failure and went ahead did chromosomal studies, which came back as 47,XXX woman. It was such a rare condition, that the doctor never saw one. Proper counseling was given to the couple. They were given many options and sent home. They did not have the time to understand this devastating diagnosis. They considered adopting a baby from the city orphanage or close relatives.  

Rajasi: Should I ask my sister Satvi to donate her ovum for us? We can fertilize it with your sperm and use a third woman to be a surrogate mother. This way I have my sister the closest relative to donate the ovum and you, my husband has your own biological son or daughter.

Raman: You have already made plans, that I never even thought of. Would your sister agree to donate her ovum?

Rajasi: Knowing her, she will.

Rajasi with Raman standing on the side met with the parents, Satvi, Sudama and Tamasi and popped the question.

Rajasi: Dad, mom and everybody. I have a condition which precludes me from having a baby. Satvi can help us.

Satvi: How could I help?

Rajasi:  By donating an ovum to us, which will be fertilized on a petri dish with the sperm of Raman to form a zygote and inserted into a surrogate mother.

Parents: What! We did nothing like this in our family. I know of this procedure.  Dr. Kalyani specializes in IVF and has her office and lab. in the building we own.

Satvi and Sudama exchanged glances. They excused themselves and promised to return in a few moments.

All were sitting in the room deep in thought with no exhaled words.

About five minutes later, the couple came back wearing big smiles on their faces.

The assent was given. They hugged each other.

Everyone retired to their respective rooms in the mansion.

Tamasi in privacy with her husband Lobhi.

Tamasi: Why didn't Rajasi ask me for my ovum? What is so special about Satvi.

Lobhi: Dear, don't feel jealous. You are as worthy as Satvi is. Satvi is the eldest among sisters.  Because of that, it is a courtesy to ask her first for help. If she did not offer, naturally you are the next.

Rajasi and Raman take home a Surrogacy Baby.

Raman and Rajasi went to the IVF clinic.   A surrogate mother accepted to carry their baby to term and part with it after delivery. The surrogate mother received a handsome remuneration for her yeoman services.

  The surrogate mother became pregnant with the baby. She was under the care of OB-Gyn Dr. Kalyani and her prenatal visits went fine. All the tests showed the baby was growing up normal. She developed gestational diabetes, meaning that her blood sugar was high, not too high for any intervention. A boy was born weighing a whopping 9 lbs (4.09Kg), which is heavy for a baby. That could have been from gestational diabetes. Soon thereafter the baby developed breathing problem which resolved quickly. The doctors were monitoring baby's blood sugar and oxygen levels, which luckily were within normal range.

The doctors and the nursing staff did not allow the biological children and the family of the surrogate mother to see the surrogacy baby. They were afraid that they would develop an attachment to the new baby that their mother delivered.

Raman and Rajasi took their boy Rangan home, quite a big bundle of joy. They were so thrilled to have a baby boy with Satvi's help.


Tamasi's Labor

About a year later, Tamasi also delivered a baby, not in the usual manner. She was, unlike Satvi, not singing music for the fetus but had regular prenatal visits and took vitamins and iron. The OB warned that she might have to go under the knife if the delivery did not progress as expected in a person with a narrow pelvis. In the ward, she was clutching the bed sheets, yelling, shouting and cursing her husband for causing pregnancy and pain. She swore she would never have another baby again. Lobhi told her he was one among ten siblings and his mother never accused his father of causing labor pains.

Between the curses and crying during uterine contractions, the conversation went as follows.

Tamasi: Your mother, what was she, a baby machine to have ten babies? Why did she not keep her legs crossed after the first baby? I am having heck of a time with my first labor.

Lobhi: You should have kept your legs crossed, Dear, and this would not have happened.

Tamasi: I curse you, your parents, your grandparents and all going back to Adam and Eve. (She knew more about Adam and Eve and less about Prajapati, because she went to the Convent School, run by the Irish Nuns.)

Lobhi: I would ask the doctor to administer you some pain killers. It looks like C/Section for you. Otherwise the baby would come out all banged up in its attempt to squeeze through your narrow pelvis.

Tamasi: Look here, don't blame me and my narrow pelvis.  You got in to me easy. If you had your pants on (She meant Dhoti), at all times, this would not have happened.

Lobhi: Honey, I told you the choice was yours to have or not to have the baby. You wanted one because your were jealous to see Satvi having a baby bulge, walking in a lordotic posture with pride and joy and sporting a glow on her face and a smile on her lips. You couldn't wait to get pregnant. Before your baby bulge, you strutted like a peacock; with the bulge you walked like a waddling duck with a petite butt. That was quite a change. I love the peacock and more so the duck.

Tamasi: Don't talk to me like that, you little Prick. Hold my hand and take some of that pain from me.

Lobhi: Ok, Miss. Vixen.

The doctor showed up and interrupted the conversation. The doctor said that labor was slow in progress despite good contractions and the baby was showing early signs of fetal distress.

Tamasi was wheeled into the Operating Room and came out smiling with the baby in hands. She had sedation and Epidural block for the C/Section.

Tamasi: Looking at her husband with kind and apologetic eyes said, "I am sorry for what I said about your mother. I like her, though she opened her legs wide often too many times. Could she not have practiced birth control? In those days, a woman packed oil-soaked rag on a string up her pussy as a birth control measure.

Lobhi: Thanks for your jaded apology. Will you leave my mother out of this? You should have married that little shrimp and runt with microphallus, whom you bounced around as if he was a ball.

Tamasi: Don't talk to me like that. Look at our sweet little thing. Is she not adorable? she weighs 6 lbs.

The husband switching gears, was profusely apologetic for what he said and planted a sucking kiss on her tender cheeks. Tamasi responded by drawing close to him.

Both were watching intently the baby's face as if they never saw a baby in their lives. Lobhi clutched her hand, showing his solidarity and support.

Tamasi: She very much looks like you. Rubbing her nose on baby's nose and addressing the baby, "Don't you look like your daddy."

Lobhi: She better be.

Tamasi: Didn't you know you are my fourth husband.

Lobhi: In exasperation. What do you mean? Where does the cockamamie story come from. Are you out of your mind?

Tamasi: Listen Darling. From the time I was born to the time we married, I had Soma (moon god), Visvavasu ( a celestial musician) and Agni (fire-god) as my husbands. See what they did to my body, mind and soul. They loved me, enjoyed me, and nurtured me but did not defile me. They kept me good and safe for you. Soma gave me the mind, Visvavasu gave me the body you like; Agni gave me the heat of passion for you.

Lobhi: I see, this is the story you heard from the Brahmana priest during our wedding ceremony. I wonder who cooked up all these cockamamie stories. Would you thank the triumvirate for the wonderful job they did on you? Did Soma go a little wrong in shaping your mind?

The parents from both sides walked in. The conversation stopped abruptly. Everybody was discussing the baby's appearance.

Tamasi's mother: Tamasi, the baby looks like your father.

Tamasi's father: Don't be silly, she looks like you.

Strangely enough, Lobhi's mother kept her legs crossed as if she heard the conversation earlier between Lobhi and Tamasi.

Lobhi's mother: She looks like Mahalakshmi (Goddess of wealth).

Lobhi's father: A relative on your side, I suppose. (Lobhi's father sarcastically told his wife that Mahalaksmi was not from her side because of his wealth.

They left flower arrangements in the room and bid goodbye.

Tamasi: Honey Sweet, Are you angry that I bore no son for you?

Lobhi: As long as she is not crazy like you, I am happy.

Tamasi: She will be like you.

Lobhi: Are you telling me I am a no good bum and a pimp, renting rooms for prostitutes in my father's hotel.

Tamasi: No, I don't mean that. You changed. I like the new you.

Lobhi: Let us change the subject.

Tamasi: Now that I had a baby, would you love me?

Lobhi: Why do you doubt that? I will always love you. I love you as you are, with your crazy head and all.

Tamasi: I remember when the doctor said it was a girl after the ultrasound, we went to Durga and thanked her for a healthy girl.

Lobhi climbed on the sturdy hospital bed of his wife and snugged up to her. The baby was rooming with the mother in a crib.

Tamasi: Dear, are you working on the next baby or what. Give me a little breathing room. As you snuggle, nestle and cuddle, I end up with my knees, wide open.

Lobhi: I am cuddling up to you, Honey to express my thanks and gratitude for your major contribution in the birth of our daughter.

Tamasi: Don't major me, Daddy; your mite is no mean contribution. Save money for her college education.

Lobhi: Would you like more babies? would you opt for a pill, a condom, an oil-rag or abstinence? Tubal ligation should have been done at C/Section, if you preferred. It is too late now.

Tamasi: Abstinence, You started me in the art of love-making. Now, you give me abstinence option. Abstinence, my foot. You don't love me anymore. How dare you talk to me about oil-rag?

Lobhi: Cool down. I am giving you the options. You talked about oil-rag plugs. All of them have pros and cons.

Tamasi: We must put off that decision for some time. Ask the doctor how soon you can have sex with me. You would die for it and I don't want to be in a situation to deny you that privilege.

Lobhi: The doctor is your obstetrician. You should talk to her, not me.

Tamasi: I heard from Satvi, we have to wait for four to six weeks.  It may be sooner because it was not a vaginal delivery. I will not ask the question. The doctor may offer that advice on her own accord before I leave the hospital.

Tamasi and baby (Tamarai) were discharged from the hospital in about five days. The doctor gave printed post-discharge instructions, which concurred with what Satvi told.

Tamasi took the baby girl home to her husband's house, which he bought with the money he accumulated from renting hotel rooms at exorbitant hourly rates to the Moguls of industries around town, out of town and abroad and providing them with discrete escort services. He was a one-man escort industry, running a thriving business. His wife talked him out of this money maker. Lobhi needed no money for daily living. He was running the hotel for his father. There were flamboyant money-hungry men willing to fill the vacuum left by Lobhi. Lobhi, pressed by his wife, would not allow escort services to use his hotel. Rajasi warned Tamasi and Lobhi that her husband Raman was running for councilor and Lobhi's side business, if he revived it, might affect adversely on her husband's election. Things appeared to go smoothly for the three daughters, their husbands and the children.


Governor Adhikaran stays in the Kodil hotel.
Once the Governor (Adhikaran) of the state of Kota-Kunga came visiting Kodil on vacation and stayed at his hotel. The lobby was abuzz with officials seeking audience with the Governor, who was a closet philanderer. There were sights to see, functions to attend to and Mounds of Venus to climb and conquer. The only hotel with Royal Suite was Kodil Hotel. The governor stayed in that luxurious suite with its own private elevator. The officials and visitors met him in the conference room. No one was allowed into the Royal Suite without express permission from the governor himself. The permitted visitors took a different elevator to the last stop, from where they had to climb to the Governor's suite. At the entrance to the steps, there were cops with guns, wands, clubs, walkie-talkies, cell phones, and computer terminals. The private elevator was not part of the bank of elevators, but had a separate manned entrance in a different place. A key was needed to access and ride the special elevator. With this Security Bandobust, not a fly can go past the cops.
The governor attended his daily functions in the conference room and went out with security detail to places of interest. The night was for phallic probing and exploration, rest and relaxation.  

Governor Adhikaran and his profligacy

People appeared in costumes and heavy makeup at the Royal Suite's elevator. They were screened and sent up the special elevator to the Royal Suite. For all appearances, it was to be a drama, play or dance for private viewing of the governor. The troupe walked into the Royal suite with no chaperon or usher. That was a planned event.
All, contracted to serve the Governor according to his specifications down to details, took off their makeup and baggy dresses and attended on the governor from head to foot. Were they masseurs? Were they Yoginis hired to give him lessons on spiritual levitation? Were they Ayurvedic specialists to give oil treatments? One thing common was they were top-bare and bikini-clad, nubile, delightful, smiling, fragrant... They wore bangles that jingled and jangled. The full moon was vying with their faces for attention on this full moon night. They did not have one blemish on their faces. Their skins were peachy-peach in complexion without the fuzz. There was no sign of even one downy hair on their body; the armpits, bikini areas, and Mounds of Venus were smooth and silky from laser electrolysis. Perfect oval eyes, arched and straight pencil-thin eyebrows, delightful straight-edge, celestial...noses, well-placed and well-formed optimal ears, beautiful full lips falling inside the mid-iris lines, pearly white teeth resembling jasmine buds, conical and round breasts with geometrically and perfectly protuberant papillae (commonly called teats) healthy nails... were a passel of visual delights, the governor was feasting on. Every one of them had a role to play. They clustered around the naked governor with each having an assigned duty. The phones were disconnected; 'Do Not Disturb' sign was in place at the outer door. None of the girls brought any cellphones, video equipment, cameras or recording devices as the unwritten contract stipulated. The governor was satisfied that the girls and ambience met with his approval.
The women placed a towel over his pelvic asset, lest he might contaminate their work area. When they went to work on the governor, the jingles emanating from the glass bangles and belled-anklets provided the music for the occasion. No alcohol and no smoking were allowed. There were no underage women in the party at the insistence of the governor.  Two worked up and down his torso with their bared conical breasts hanging like ripe mangos; two worked on his legs and thighs; two worked on his hands. There was no use of oils or emollients. Depending on the anatomy of the governor, they did effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, and Tapotement, besides Chinese Knife Massage. The governor enjoyed petrissage and tapotement and asked them to do more of them. 
Definitions from Internet sources, not found in the dictionary.
"Effleurage is administering silken-smooth gliding strokes.
Petrissage is squeezing, rolling, and kneading the body parts. The dough receives the same treatment in the pretzel-making business.
Friction is administering deep circular movements.
Tapotement involves short alternate tapping with cupped hands, fingers or the edge of the hand."  The same treatment is administered in the hospitals to dislodge phlegm from the chest of the patient.
The governor emitted giggly squeals when the women accidentally touched his armpits, groin, genitalia and the soles of his feet during assigned duties. Though he squealed, he wanted more of them, his assent not by words but by nods. The women at the urge of the governor performed group calisthenics before him, soon after the body massage was over. The governor applauded the group calisthenics with the rhythmical conjugate movements of the breasts and papillae.  He retained two women, and the others were dismissed. The payment in Rupees was prearranged; no money changed hands in the hotel. There was no credit card transaction.
It was assumed that he had consortium with the two women, who stayed behind.

Next morning, governor and his party left Kodil.
Several years went by without incidents of any consequence in the lives of the three daughters, their families or hotel.
Lobhi and his father wanted to open a luxurious hotel in another major city, which attracted many foreign tourists for its natural beauty, coastal location...

A Hotel in Paranga
The father and son approached the local government (in the city of Paranga) for permission to buy a large tract of city-owned land adjoining the coast and build a five-star hotel. Knowing the father and son, their wealth, power and position, the progeny of the city fathers in the local government did not want to sell the land and kept giving excuses. This went on for many months. Frustrated, Lobhi was the point man to find the people making objections to their expansion in the city of Paranga. He approached the mayor of the city, who knew the family and the hotel in Kodil from the newspapers. He did not know of them. The mayor was the progeny of the main founding father of the city. The founding father was a petty king a long time ago.
Arangan (mayor of the city of Paranga) received Lobhi in his office.
Arangan: What can I do for you, Lobhi?
Lobhi: My father and I offer our greetings to you, your family and the city. You have a beautiful city with natural wonders like lakes, hills, green pastures, river, waterfalls, ocean, white sands... What you sorely need is a five-star hotel, which you lack to cater to the high-end visitors. This will bring much needed tourism dollars, which would help you build the long-needed medical college, ultra-modern hospital, an airport... We are here to offer this rare opportunity to you and the city.
Arangan: Thank you for your generous suggestion and desire to help the city. With the arrival of big money to the city and a heavy influx of tourists, we may invite corruption, drugs, crimes... which are very rare in Paranga at this moment.
Lobhi: We will help you retain the city's old charm and beauty.
Arangan: How do you propose to do it?
Lobhi: The airport would not be a large international outfit. Since you have an international airport an hour from your city, what you need is a small to a medium-sized airport, which will be used by the dollar-heavy foreign tourists and the well-to-do locals. You definitely need a modern hospital.
Arangan: This suggestion of yours costs a lot of money. Do you have enough resources to do all these things?
Lobhi: Our family, our bank and resource-rich friends will form a consortium to make this dream come true. We also own a construction company with architects.
Arangan: Send me your proposal, the cost and the details about the seed money. I will forward the proposal to the city council.
Lobhi: That is fine with us. We will forward the proposal in a month. We will keep in touch.
Lobhi and the mayor of Kodil put their bank, architects and accountants to work on the proposal. They floated an invitation to their friends and relatives to participate as fellow investors.
There were many a back and forth between the two city mayors. The mayor of Kodil insisted there would be no other luxury hotel in the city of Paranga other than what the consortium proposed to build. In return, the mayor and the city council of Paranga insisted that the hotel was named after the city, 'Hotel Paranga.' The same condition applied to the airport, medical college and the hospital or any other projects supported by the consortium. This was to honor King Paranga, the ancestral founder of the kingdom.
Money was pooled from friends and relatives supported by the bank and the construction firm. In return to construct the airport, the medical college and the hospital, the proceeds from these said projects would go to the consortium for twenty years and thereafter turned over to the city of Paranga. Both mayors agreed on the spirit of the proposal and agreement. The stipulation was that the hospital would cater to the poor with no restriction. The medical college admitted fee-paying students; ten percent of the student body was to be from the indigents, free of tuition fees.
Kodil Construction company and its architects went to work and were in the forefront in the construction. Paranga city council and the mayor accepted the proposal and gave Lobhi and the mayor of Kodil, the seal of approval. They employed the local labor in the construction. The airliners had to pay basic landing and per-passenger fees for using the airport.
All four projects were completed in three years from the beginning. There was much celebration in the city; both mayors and their families participated in the opening these projects.

The hotel with 200 rooms, which appeared to be too many, was doing well. The hotel had all modern conveniences that a five-star hotel should have. Soon customers came in trickles; the trickles became a flood. The hotel was doing well, and the consortium was making money on the hotel and the airport. The guests in groups were chaperoned to the places of interest in small vans. All their comforts were attended to methodically, meticulously and professionally. A taxi service owned by the hotel was available for those who wanted to go by themselves. By arrangement, the taxi service was meant only for hotel guests and not for the non-guests, so there is no competition with local taxis for clients. The police officers employed in and around the hotel made sure there was no prostitution, drug use... Retired police officers from all ranks formed the security in the hotel.
Things appeared to go well, and the city was raking money from the tourist boom.

Governor Adhikaran's planned event goes bust.
Governor Adhikaran, appointed to another state as the head, came to the city of Paranga on vacation and checked into the royal suite. The hotel staff at the front desk was to inform Lobhi, when a request for the royal suite was made. Lobhi received the message and left for Paranga the same day. As usual, the governor arranged with the seedy citizen of the city of Paranga to send in a drove of beautiful women. It was to happen on the next day of his arrival.
Lobhi was on hand in person at the front desk. The girls arrived at the special elevator door to be shepherded up to the royal suite at about 8 p.m. Lobhi was at the door and stopped the girls from entering the lift (elevator).
Lobhi: The hotel and the owner have every right to bar entry of any person at their discretion.
The lead chorus girl: We have every right to go up to the royal suite. Governor Adhikaran is our host.
Lobhi: This is a private hotel, and the governor is our guest, and he has to abide by the rules of the hotel.
The lead chorus girl made a call to the governor, who on notification of the objection of Lobhi, was fuming and frothing in his mouth.
Governor on the phone: Let me speak to the owner.
Governor: This is Governor Adhikaran. I want you to send the girls up. They are here to perform a stage show in my suite.
Lobhi: Welcome Governor. My regards to you. The hotel policy is not to admit unrelated women into any room in this hotel. To stage a performance, you can use our Grand Ballroom in the first floor. We will provide you all the equipment.
Governor: Look here, let us keep it amicable. You let them in. I will let this slide.
Lobhi: I cannot do that. We have to remove the girls with the help of the city police, if it comes to that.
Governor: Look, I can shut down this hotel. Be advised.
Lobhi: May I come up and talk to you about this matter.
Governor: OK, come on up.
Lobhi with the commissioner of police and a detective in civilian clothes went up with a box.
Governor greeted and invited them into his suite.
Lobhi put the equipment down and projected a video of Governor receiving massage from the women at Kodil Hotel and sexual dalliance with two women. He also showed matching DNA from the wet towel and his blood on another towel in Kodil Hotel. The governor liked flagellation on his back from the women he made love to. All these were in the video watched by the governor, the police commissioner and the detective in civilian clothes.
Governor, in an act of defiance and authority: I will call the police to arrest you.
Lobhi: You won't do it, because the video is evidence. This video is only a copy. The original is in the locker ready to be shipped to the police, if anything happens to me and these gentlemen.
Governor: Look here, you cannot threaten me.
Governor dialed the police.
Commissioner of police in mufti: Governor, I am the commissioner of police and this person, pointing to the detective in mufti, is the detective. We bear witness to your video, DNA match and your protest.
Governor: It does not matter. Let me call the mayor.
Lobhi: The mayor is out of town. If he were in town, he would have been here now.
Governor: Let me call the Governor of this state.
Lobhi: It will serve no purpose. He has seen the video before you did. He mentioned that the hotel has every right to evict you from the hotel.
Governor was disheartened.
Lobhi: Governor, as a courtesy, we will let this slide. Let the girls go home. You leave when you can. We will not divulge this to anyone.

Governor readily agreed to the suggestion. The women went home. The commissioner and the detective as a courtesy accompanied the governor on his sight-seeing visits.  The governor left the hotel a few days later. The women were paid already before they showed up in the hotel. Lucky for the governor, he was not exposed. Paranga women did not have to whip him on his back. If they did and the word got out, they would have been arrested.

Guru, Cobra and Guru's miracle 

In the meantime a well-known Guru used the grounds and the conference room of the Kodil Hotel to receive his devotees from the town. Lobhi was happy to see the Guru choose his hotel to receive the congregants. The Guru himself stayed in his old master's humble home in the town. It was a good advertisement for his hotel, where the security arrangements were excellent, as the newspapers published this on their front pages. Wherever the Guru went, that place was sacred and no less than a temple. People clamored, shoved and jostled to get close to the Holy man, to touch his feet and receive benedictions and Prasada (sacraments). He raised a sacrificial fire in the adjacent grounds and invoked gods and goddesses to bring prosperity to the city, its citizens and the hotel. No animal sacrifice was performed as it was an old custom.
Satvi, Rajasi, Tamasi, their children and husbands inclusive of Lobhi had special audience with the Holy man to receive his blessings. They thanked their stars for this rare privilege. He visited the local temples, orphanages and mutt (monastery). Among his disciples, there was a handful of foreigners, mainly from North America and Europe. These devotees were singles and couples. Among his devotees, some wore the tuft, some were shaven bald, and most had unshaven heads. The bald pates were the most accomplished in Yoga; the tufts were less accomplished; and the rest were initiates. The Guru himself had a bald pate, a luxuriant mustache and a beard, which he stroked often. He had a radiant face and a benign countenance.
He did Yoga twice a day, early in the morning and after sundown in his master's house. He was known for levitation, telepathy, animal-speak... He was never a show-off.
When he was giving an audience to the townspeople in the hall, someone brought and released a large cobra in the corner of the humongous room. No one noticed the cobra, but the Yogi heard the faintest hiss of the cobra with his hyperacute ears. In the middle of the audience, he uttered Mantras and advised people to say in place and not to move.
He left his seat and walked over to the cobra. The eyes of the crowd followed his footsteps and fixated on the cobra. No one moved and all stayed still. The Swamy uttered a few words. The cobra lowered its hood in homage to the Guru. Yogi spoke more words; the cobra slithered into the nearby basket and put its hood down as if it would sleep. He put the lid on the basket and ordered the security to release it in the forested area away from the city. All this was captured by the in-house cameras in the room. The culprit was captured and booked by the police.
Unseen by the Yogi, the culprit was taken away to the local police station. Upon inquiry, the police found he was a disgruntled devotee, who was told a few moths ago by the Yogi he was not ready to leave worldly life and adopt a life of privation, poverty, Yoga and meditation. Upon appeal from the Guru, the police with the consent of the judge, the mayor, the chief minister and the Governor of the state let the culprit go free with a warning. His name (Pampan) and photos were splashed on the newspapers and TVs.
For the duration of his stay, the hotel provided visitors free meals and beverages, which were very much appreciated by the Guru and the congregants. There is no greater munificence and merit than to provide food for the hungry. The hotel grounds had rides for the children. An ambulance was on a standby to attend to the needy. The Guru left after a few days of giving audience (Dharsan) to the public. Lobhi became one of his disciples in the third category of initiates.

Gurudeva Gargan's plans go awry. Easy come, Easy go.

Lobhi's reputation grew and Tamasi was proud of her husband, who changed from an avocation of running an escort service from a respectable distance and maintaining dossiers on his high-and-mighty clients to a spiritual initiate.
In the meantime, Raman the husband of Rajasi stood in the city elections and became a councilor. Sudama received a promotion to become the chairman of the Department. Everything was hunky-dory for the family.
Gurudev Gargan was a famous Guru and Yogi who maintained an Asrama (Hermitage) in the foothills of Himalayas. He drew devotees and students for Yoga classes from all around the world. Every day except Sunday, he offered Yoga classes and lectures on Daily Living Tips and Universal Love. One of his favorite sayings is Love a Lot and Stay Afloat in the ocean of Bliss.
No one could understand such a cryptic message. He believed in and taught the practice of Urdhvaretas (living in chastity). By not releasing seeds, the seeds will ascend and transform into Ojas and Tejas. (Ojas = strength, power, might, energy. Tejas = splendor, beauty). Conserved seeds and energy ascend and transform into power and splendor, which are necessary for the union of the individual soul and the Universal Soul.

Sex, videos...
There were skeptics among the followers. They secretly recorded his Love a Lot and Stay Afloat in the ocean of Bliss practice in the privacy of his bedroom. During his pelvic passados (thrusts) with his partner, he would take a deep breath, hold it and continue his dalliance. He believed holding breath during congress prolongs his act. Why did he not opt for Viagra? Someone might discover it. Like the deep-sea divers or pearl divers, he developed a tolerance to prolonged breath-holding, oxygen deprivation, and his pelvic variation of deep-sea diving. His Pranayama (breath control) instead of taking him to higher spiritual spheres of existence took him to mundane pleasures of the flesh. No one really cared but he was casting major mojo on trusting public, a drawing magnet for mucho Moola. The Dos and Don'ts of Yoga (truth, integrity, abstinence...) were for the trusting disciples and donors. The saboteurs kept the videos under wraps, lock and key for release at an appropriate time.

I am better than Elvis Pelvis.
Gurudev travelled around the subcontinent spreading the message of platonic Love a Lot and Stay Afloat in the ocean of Bliss. The coffers were brimming with cash and jewels and the devotees swelled to many thousands. Gurudev Gargan established many satellite centers under his trusted lieutenants, who were in for the ride in the gravy train, knowing well their chieftain's Pelvic Pastimes. He had a special dispensation to married woman who because of azoospermia of their husbands could not have children. He ran a fertility clinic in one of the major towns. He sent all his clients there for anonymous artificial insemination (AAI). Most of the woman would not opt for artificial anonymous insemination. Some did; them, he sent to the fertility clinic. Almost 50 % of patients had successful pregnancies and deliveries, the estimate amounting to about 30 babies.

A woman (Ganga) whose husband died of a heart attack and who was one of the clients in the Fertility Clinic became his secretary. She travelled with the Guru, and the baby was raised by her mother. They kept a distance during off-hours. They had plenty of time together alone necessarily because of running the mammoth organization. Whispering in his ears from behind and in close quarters to him, there was necessarily unintended rubbing of her body parts and well-endowed breasts against the Guru.

Dips in Ganga (also the name of a sacred river)
Gurudev stopped in Paranga for rest and relaxation from his busy schedule. The Guru occupied an exclusive suite in the Paranga Hotel. To be discreet, the woman stayed in a vacant private house, whose owner and family were away on pilgrimage. Lobhi received information on the Guru with his photograph from the Video cameras in the hotel lobby. Lobhi thought he knew him from before, but could not place him readily. He advised the hotel security and the detective to keep a watch on him. They turned on the cameras and the sound in the high-end Guru's room. His movements were monitored. In the middle of the night, Gurudev left the hotel in his rented car to the house temporarily occupied by his secretary Ganga. By this time, they became secret lovers. He made love to Ganga and returned to his hotel suite. There was nothing to show what Gurudev and Ganga did together. The midnight visit was suspicious. They stayed a few more days and left for the main campus in the foothills of Himalayas.

The family returned from the pilgrimage. To their surprise, the family found the monogramed bathrobe from the Paranga Hotel and also monogramed underwear of Gurudev. Then they checked the secret Home Video Monitor for any intruders. They found to their shock that the Gurudev and Ganga (whom they knew) were engaged in a riotous sex, the depth and breadth covering many positions of Kama Sutra. They turned over the videotape, the monogramed underwear and bathrobe to the police, who informed Lobhi (about the monogramed bathrobe, belonging to the Paranga Hotel). The bathrobe and the monogramed underwear were processed for DNA. The results with the clothing were filed away in the Police Evidence Room. Lobhi received copies of DNA of Gurudev and photos of bathrobe, the underwear and the home video. Since no crime was committed, no one was under arrest. The returning pilgrims (the homeowners) were advised not to discuss this matter with anyone.

Months moved without major incidents. Ganga became pregnant with Gurudev's baby and to avoid any embarrassment, she submitted her resignation at the first missing periods and moved to a different town, delivered the baby and asked her mother to send her first son home to her. The three were living in the new town on the monies left by her husband. The children were doing well in the school. They were three years apart. Ganga saw resemblance between the two. Besides that, they showed same mannerisms. She did not understand and left them at that.

Surrogacy Baby and Gurudev's are biological siblings.

The younger one Ganguli became weak and anemic and was diagnosed to have leukemia. The doctors recommended Bone Marrow Transplantation. Miss. Ganga, her first son Gururaj and the second son Ganguli had their haplotypes done. Gururaj and Ganguli had identical haplotypes. The doctors congratulated Ganga telling that her sons had identical haplotypes and the chances of cure for Ganguli were excellent. Transplantation went well, took and cured Ganguli. The wheels in Ganga's mind turned. The thought they had one father, that could not be other than Gurudev himself occurred to her. The AAI she had was not anonymous. It was Gurudev's semen she received. Yes, Gurudeva was making garbhadana (donation of semen) as a public service but it was malfeasance according to Ganga. That meant to her that all other babies from AAI must have been Gurudev's children.
Ganga went to a lawyer (Lokanathan) for advice and narrated to him all the facts and suspicions. Ganga showed him the pictures of Gurudeva, whom he recognized easily. But the lawyer was one of ten siblings of Lobhi. Lokanathan said he will make enquiries and get back to her.
There was a big party in Kodil Hotel. It was the 70th birthday of the Mayor of Kodil. All the siblings and others came to the birthday party. Lobhi greeted all his siblings and had chitchat with them.

Lokanathan: Lobhi, you are the man about town and a walking encyclopedia. Do you know this fellow who calls himself Gurudev?
Lobhi: He is a no-good bum and pretends to be a Yogi. We have pictures of him with his DNA on our and police files in Paranga, where he had a dip, a bash and a splash with his secretary in a private house, all recorded with a home video. He knew his Kamasutra positions more than his Yogic postures, all recorded on the videotape. Why are you asking?
Lokanathan: We have this woman who claims she had AAI under false arrangements and a second child by him. The first child she claims was from his sperm by artificial insemination and the second she had with him as his secretary. She is hoping we establish a DNA match of her children with Gurudeva.
Lobhi: You came to the right person. At Paranga, we have his DNA profile from his underwear. I have a copy of the report.
Lokanathan took the copy of the report and compared it to the DNA profiles of the two children. They were a perfect match.

Easy Come, easy go. Gurdev fathered 35 children.
Ganga being an honorable woman looked for the other children born of AAI in the fertility clinic. Legally, the lawyer obtained the DNA profiles of all the children referred by Gurudeva to the fertility clinic. They were located, and their DNA profiles matched with that of the Guru. The lawyer also obtained the official report of DNA of pseudo-Gurudeva from the Paranga police and directly from his blood specimen by court order. Gurudeva in his desire to live in eternal existence bribed the fertility clinic to use his sperm on his referrals.
The case went to court, and Lokanathan sought the entire fortune of the Gurudeva for distribution to all his biological children. Then mothers emerged from the wood work claiming to have been inseminated by Gurudeva. Their babies had their DNA done and were dismissed.
In all thirty-five children matched the Guru's DNA and were awarded Gurudeva's fortune. Lokanathan took only ten percent of the award, which was plenty enough to last a few generations.

The skeptic's photos and videos came in handy in the court as additional proof that the god-man was a lecher. It was established that Gurudeva was no other than the charlatan (Pampan) who let the snake in the crowd in the Kodil Hotel conference room.

Women and Children's Services
Satvi, Rajasi and Tamasi saw the need for helping women and children in Kodil. All three together anonymously opened an office in the mall in the center of the town. The storefront rendered first aid to anyone who walked into the front office. The office had an extension on the back, which connected to clothing and shoe stores on either side, owned by the three sisters. The abused woman and children, they knew, feared their families finding out, sought the services from the three sisters. They would enter the adjoining stores mixed in with other shoppers, be identified and sent to the service center by the rear entrance. The employees were the former abused women, who knew or had the knack to spot the abused women and children and also served as social workers. The outfit ran on a word of mouth. All cases were thoroughly researched, documented and sent discreetly to the City Government Office (Woman and Child Protective Services) for further investigation and remedial services. Utmost secrecy was maintained by all connected with the outfit. There were retired police officers in the shops as security officers for protection if an abuser started any trouble. The sisters used the profits from the shops to run the services. After the interviews, the victims would exit through the stores with bags stuffed with newspapers or store-bought merchandise, the idea being they were valid shoppers.
The three sisters helped many families in this manner, maintaining complete secrecy. The three sisters carried pseudonyms: Sakti for Satvi, Ramani for Rajasi, and Tamari for Tamasi. Only one was on duty . The sisters never entered the office through the front doors. There was a corridor along the back of the shops with rear doors under locks and keys. That was the entrance for the three sisters. They wore heavy makeup to hide their identity.
One interview went like this.
Woman: My husband is beating me up for not bringing enough dowry. He wants a refrigerator and a TV from my parents, who are wage earners and cannot afford to make the gift.
She showed the bruises on her body and around the eyes, which she hid with makeup.
Sakti: Ok, let me take pictures of your bruises, the name of your husband, his employer and the places he hangs out. I want you to keep this secret for your own safety.
The retired police officers made a discreet enquiry of the husband, who was a retail vegetable vendor with a stall in the market. He was hanging around in the local unlicensed watering holes after the day's work, where country-made liquor was served. Half his earnings went for the brew. The undercover workers informed the police about the unlicensed joints, which were promptly shut down and seal-padlocked the next day.
The abusing husband was arrested for selling vegetables without a city license, taken to the city hall, made to buy a license with monetary help from the in-laws and sent back to his stall. The in-laws helped him to buy soft drinks on credit for sale in his stall. A team of college students from the local college came to the stall owners and advised them how to grow their businesses without investing too much money and do business within the city regulations. With passage of time, his business grew, and he bought his TV and refrigerator on credit and paid for them in monthly installments. Satvi's husband Sudama arranged for his students to advise the stall owners about running profitable stalls. The councilor and the husband of Rajasi helped the vegetable vendor to get the license without going through the bureaucracy. Lobhi arranged for Alcoholics Anonymous to help the vendors to shed their habit. He arranged for clubs wherein the workers can go, relax and play. The husbands of the three sisters were working in the background without the knowledge of the vendor(s) or victims. The husband stopped beating up his wife, since he gave up drinking, his income got a boost from thriving business, and he had his TV and refrigerator.
With the three sisters and their husbands, the city saw a renewal and a life for the better.

The Mayor and the purported gold digger.  (Added on September, 2, 2013)
The mayor had in his office a secretary by name Sotamma for many years. She was a loyal office staff in the mayor's office. She had a 22-year-old daughter Ponnamma, who worked for the state in the Dept. of Motor Vehicles. She used to visit Sotamma in the Mayor's office for chitchats. Sotamma introduced her daughter Ponnamma to the mayor. Ponnamma was single and a girl about town. She used to stay out long in the seedy side of town. She became pregnant. Her boyfriend’s uncle a city councilman wanted to run for the mayor. The boyfriend questioned the paternity of the baby. Ponnamma swore that the baby was his. The boyfriend Pannadai told his uncle about the baby.
City councilman Karuppan: Congratulations and yet you are not married. Are you going to marry her? You are bringing shame to our family.
Boyfriend Pannadai: Uncle, look at my way. I will convince Ponnamma to sue the mayor for child support.
City Councilman: How would that help?
Pannadai: Don't you see, uncle. Ponnamma sues; the mayor gets bad publicity in the newspapers; and you get to be the next mayor in the forthcoming elections.
City Councilman: What if Ponnamma and you are discovered? I will be in a hot seat.
Pannadai: Uncle, you don't stand a chance unless you beat him down with a slander.
City Councilman: First let us talk to Ponnamma and see whether she will go along.

Pannadai called his girlfriend to the office of Councilman Karuppan.
Pannadai: Ponnamma, you say it is my baby. Would you be agreeable to a plan we have for you, which will make you rich?
Ponnamma: Yes, let me have the plan first before I agree.
Pannadai: My uncle wants to run for the mayor's office. There is no way to beat the present mayor, unless we slap him with a slander.
Ponnamma: Why am I here, if you are cooking up a slander against the mayor, whom I know and like?
Pannadai: You must leave your feelings for the mayor aside and concentrate on making money.
Ponnamma: Where do I come here?
Karuppan: You claim your baby is his. It will get on the newspapers. He will lose the elections, and I will be the next mayor.
Ponnamma: Give me some time to think about it, and I will get back to you.

The word got out from the talk Ponnamma had with her confidante, who was the social worker working for the three daughters in their clothing shop.
The social worker next day informed Rajasi about the conspiracy against her father the mayor.

She through a doctor in the maternity hospital received information about the blood groups of the baby and the mother, which were both BB Positive. The mayor was O Negative. There was no way, the mayor could be the baby's father.
She in consultation with the family lawyer and private investigator set the wheel moving before this became news.
The detective and the police approached Ponnamma and asked her to wear a wire. She agreed.
Ponnamma went back to the councilman's office with her boy friend. Conversation began.
Councilor: Did you decide?
Ponnamma: How do you know I will not be discovered?
Pannadai: Once this news that your baby is that of the mayor gets on the TV and the radio, the damage is done and the mayor is gone. You will have your child support.
Ponnamma: Whenever I visit my mother in the mayor's office, I see the mayor. He is very kind to me like a father is.
Councilor: Do you want money for you and your baby? If you want to stick with the plan, you bring the charges that the mayor is the father of your baby. The mayor will settle the case out of court, this being the election season. You are flush with money. I will become the next mayor. You can have your promotion in the Motor Vehicles Department.
Pannadai: I will also get a job with the city, if you bring this lawsuit against the mayor.
Ponnamma: I feel I am letting down my mother, who works in the office of the mayor. Give me more time before I decide. The elections are away four months, anyway. We all have a lot of time on hand.
The conversation was recorded by the police, and the information was conveyed to Rajasi. Since these were poor people, the police did not want to destroy their lives.
The police brought councilor Karuppan, Ponnamma, and Pannadai in the City Lawyer's office.
The City Lawyer: Councilor and Pannadai, both of you were ready to slander the mayor by bringing false charges. We have here proofs that the mayor is blood group O negative, Ponnamma and the baby are B Positive. There is no way the mayor was the baby's father. By doing the blood group of Pannadai, we know he is the father with blood group B positive. To make sure he is the biological father, we are drawing blood from Pannadai, Ponnamma and the baby for DNA analysis. We will let you know about the results in time.
The course of time passed and the DNA results came. Ponnamma was correct: Pannadai was the father.
The attorney general would not let the case slide. Both Pannadai and Councilor Karuppan were charged with attempted slander.
The court case dragged on for months. The councilor resigned his post, and went to jail with Pannadai. The mayor won his 5th term as mayor. The mayor came to know of the case on the day of the elections. He thanked Rajasi for her astuteness.

An Orphanage
The three sisters started an orphanage in the city. They bought hundreds of acres, spread around a huge Banyan tree with one trunk and five main branches evenly placed around the trunk spreading about a 100 feet on all sides. The branches were named after the five elements Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Many aerial roots supported the branches. Banyan tree = Ficus benghalensis. nyagrodha in Sanskrit and Alamaram (
ஆலமரம்) in Tamil.
The orphanage used to be a small one with about ten children and outgrew the need of the city in transition. It needed many new buildings and school. The three daughters used to privileged life wanted a good life for these orphans. Since her father owned a construction company under the charge of Lobhi, the buildings came up in a Mandala fashion but far from the Banyan tree. The school was next to the living quarters. The roads were arranged in a radial fashion like the spokes of a wheel from the Banyan tree. One could not drive to the tree in a car. There were three-feet high parapet walls around the tree at its edge with passageways. There were flower gardens, playgrounds, waterfalls and many fruit and flowering trees beyond the school. They had the plan to take care of 400 children.
As the orphanage was taking shape, the three daughters hired personnel to run the Women and Children's services under their aegis.
The three daughters removed all their jewelry including the earrings and bangles. It simply does not look good when the sisters walk among orphans wearing expensive jewelry and diamonds. Simplicity and sincerity of care are the name of the game. They swore never to wear jewelry at all either at home or outside. What they wore around the necks were Mangalyams or Talis (
தாலி) to indicate their married status. They shed their expensive silk saris for cotton. For safety and security, they did not use public transportation and drove their own cars. When the Governor came to declare open the Orphanage, they were less dressed and dolled up than the rest. Satvi was the treasurer, Rajasi the campaigner for funds and Tamasi the caretaker of the school, dining hall, living quarters and gardens. They rotated their portfolios once a year. They met once a week or more often to keep tabs on each other's department. Their husbands worked closely with them and make things happen both inside and outside. Rajasi's husband Raman was their connection to the city council; Sudama their connection to obtain seats in the university for the students and Lobhi to take care of the buildings and gardens and job placements for the graduates. They never bothered their father. It was not uncommon for their children to play around and mix with the orphans under the Banyan tree.

Lobhi had set up a subsidiary company, so he did not have to mix the orphanage financials with his outside construction company. Orphanage was a nonprofit outfit with 300 children. The company and the three sisters kept everything above reproach. There was a Government Tax auditor periodically checking the finances. Their finances were strong not only because of active fund raising but also because of low cost services by eliminating middle men.

Mayor Kodilan of Kodil was advancing in age and announced to the public he would not run for mayor in the next mayoral election. That set in motion several candidates aspiring to be the next mayor.  Raman was one of them. Raman and Rajasi consulted with mayor Kodilan and other family members, including the customary and mandatory family astrologer, who forecast that Raman would be the next mayor. To make sure that all evil forces are placated or nullified and benign forces are adored and beseeched, the astrologer conducted ceremonies on behalf of the aspirant. Everyone was enthusiastic and all would put the Kodilan Machine work to elect Raman as the next mayor.
The next election was looming large on the city. It was a fiercely contested election. The other candidates were furiously digging for any undisclosed scandals with the Kodilan clan.
A disgruntled employee of Hotel Kodil had suspicions that Lobhi was running a prostitution ring in his younger days through his subordinates. He had no proof and it all happened a long time ago, before his time in the hotel. Memories of the past events were fading.  Lobhi a reformed pimp held dossiers on clients and hotel employees, who did all the dirty work for him in the past.  The records were encrypted in the computers. Almost all miscreants retired, kept no notes on their nefarious activities and would campaign on behalf of Councilman Raman. Besides, no one, including the aging and faded prune-face prostitutes, their sponsors, sugar daddies and the powerful philanderers of the past will talk for fear of self-incrimination or self-damnation. Anyway, they did not connect Lobhi with their supine or prone activities.

This was Sumban a lowly employee of Hotel Kodil, who wanted to take on Lobhi and the Kodil Clan on suspicion and flimsy to absent evidence. He wrote an anonymous letter to Kodil Times implicating Lobhi with the prostitution ring with no supporting evidence. The newspaper knew only the great public service Lobhi does with the orphans. Kodil Times assigned a reporter to dig further on this matter. Dig he did but no news was unearthed, because the ring was tightly run and managed with no direct or indirect connection to Lobhi. There were no hotel records of pimps and prostitutes plying their trade in the hotel. Sumban's scandal mongering was dying on the vine. He was persistent and wrote many more letters to the newspaper.
An employee at the newspaper got wind of the letters as she was the mail room clerk in charge of sorting the mail for the departments in the newspaper. That was Mangalam, who graduated from the orphanage, and soon thereafter found a job with the newspaper. Mangalam knew the Kodil Clan but not vice versa. Her own mother was abused by her pimp and rescued by the Kodil Clan. Mangalam was the product of an anonymous client of her mother, raised in the orphanage. Managalam was unaware of the sexual history of her mother and knew only that she owed to the Kodil Clan for her years in the orphanage, and her education.
Mangalam took copies of the covers and the letters, kept them in safekeeping and wondered how she could deliver them to the family. She knew that her mother used to visit the mall and get advice from the women at the mall back office. She recognized Tamasi and connected her to be the sponsor of the orphanage. She took off a day and waited at the gate of the orphanage and when Tamasi appeared at the gate in her car, she gave the letters and envelopes and took off in a hurry.

Tamasi read and reread the letters often and the reality struck her like a lightning bolt. Prostitution was no joke any more with her husband. She debated with herself and wondered whether she should do anything about it. It was easy for her to figure out that the delivery girl must have been an inmate in the orphanage in the past. She took the letters to her sisters and they discussed the contents among themselves and swore they won't tell their husbands about these letters.  There was very scant information. It was more of a surmise than a conviction. Since the newspaper has published none of these material, the sisters were fairly certain that the newspaper had no further information and suspended further investigation.

They visited the hotel each in a disguise and noticed Sumban. They assembled at the executive office far away from employees and met with the personnel manager, a loyal employee of Lobhi. They sought the files of all the employees recruited in the past year for perusal. They did not divulge to the manager the purpose of their examination of the employee files. In two days, their investigation was over, took copy of Sumban's file and left the office leaving no clue to the personnel manager.

They concluded that Sumban was simply seeking publicity for his discovery, if any. He came from a broken family, the only child of parents, who divorced 10 years after he was born. His mother recently was working as a housekeeper. His father was a short order cook in Hotel Kodil before his death in a car accident. His father used to take him to the hotel sometimes on his room service rounds in the hotel. Sumban had seen guests in compromising positions when his father was delivering food to the guests in the rooms. Because he was the son of a former employee, the hotel management offered him the job.
The hanky-panky he saw in the hotel rooms was indelible in his mind and he thought all this was happening with the implicit consent of the hotel owner. That was Lobhi.

The sisters invited the recently recruited employees to take qualifying examination for training as a concierge. About 10 employees took the test and two qualified for training as concierges. One of the successful candidates was Sumban. He was very happy that he was one of the two for further training. Soon he was on his way to a vocational school in Kodil for further training at the expense of Hotel Kodil.

At the end of the training as a concierge, he found an attractive job offering in a monastery of Buddhists, wherein at the museum, he became a tour guide and groundkeeper. Yes, to him hotel was confining. He found his calling. Years later, he became a Buddhist.

There ended his inquisitiveness about Lobhi. The sisters knew that exposing Sumban to a different environment created possibilities and many job opportunities. Betterment of his life removed his edge for further investigation into Lobhi. His present station in life was an unexpected reward from the hotel that Lobhi ran. Poor but lucky Lobhi, he had no clue about his escape from a scandal.

Mayoral election came and went. Raman the Radar Specialist won the mayoral office. The three sisters and the whole clan worked hard to elect him the next mayor of the City of Kodil. There was a citywide celebration of election of Raman, the mayor of Kodil.

Lobhi and Tamasi were practically running the hotel. One day Tamasi popped a question, which very much surprised Lobhi.
Tamasi: Do you like me; do you love me, as I am?
Lobhi: Why do you ask that question?
Tamasi: I have a scar in my abdomen from C/Section.
Lobhi: So what.
Tamasi: That means I have narrow pelvis. In like manner, I have small breasts.
Lobhi: Did I ever complain about your breasts?

Tamasi: No, you did not but now I do. But to me, size matters. You have fun with them, though they are small. When people talk to us three sisters, Satvi's big boobs receive gleeful glancing. No one looks at poor me. They look as small as Amlas (Indian Gooseberry). I want them to look like Amlakas on the top of the temple tower.
Lobhi: Most straight men are mazophiliacs. The bigger the boobs, the greater is the fixation of the eyes on the boobs. You are good as you are.

Tamasi: I am considering having my boobs augmented. Do you have any objection? You will be proud of me.

Lobhi: I have no objection.

Tamasi: My boobs after augmentation will fill your palms. You will thank me for it.

Tamasi and Lobhi went to a local plastic surgeon.

Lady Plastic surgeon: What cup size you want to wear? I can provide you the sizes you prefer.

Tamasi: I cannot relate to cup sizes. Now I have breasts as small as small tangerines. I want them to look like large oranges and fit my husband's fully stretched palms. This will be my birthday gift to him.  I want the breasts nice, round and turgid like the full moon and the teats jutting straight out in the front. I want them not ptotic.

Lady Plastic surgeon: O I see Ms. Tamasi. I think I can accommodate your wishes. Let me show you some of the work I did on my patients with before and after photos. The pictures were taken with permission and the names were encrypted and unknowable to anyone.

Tamasi and Lobhi went over the pictures. Tamasi saw some, the before Tangerines and the after Large Oranges. She picked the right size she wanted.

A date was fixed, surgery proceeded and the results were spectacular. Tamasi was pleased. Lobhi kept quiet for private comments later, if asked for.

Tamasi: How do you like the new me? Now I feel like a fully endowed woman. Now, I don't think of me as a woman with lesser parts.

Lobhi: I liked the old you as much as I like the new you.

Tamasi: Please measure my boobs with the palms of your hands from behind me? Let me know what you think of my new boobs.

Lobhi obliged and felt and fondled her breasts from behind.

Lobhi: Wow!

Tamasi: Wow me! I told you so.


September 21, 2015. The sisters start a vocational school.

The three sisters were still very much hands on with the Woman and Child services and the orphanage. They started The Kodil Vocational School in the city for the graduates of the Orphanage. The school offered training in running a small eatery, gardening, weaving, tailoring, basic accounting, sanitation... For the school to sustain financially, the sisters took in paying students. The deserving indigent pupils received scholarships. Lobhi built a vocational school on the unused grounds adjoining the orphanage. It was a one-year course. Many of the graduates from the orphanage became the students. With permission from the owners of the shopping mall, the three sisters placed a strong collection box right in the middle of mall for rupee collection. It was so heavy no thieves can lift it. It was so central in the mall with so much foot traffic, it guaranteed heavy collection. The people knew the reputation of the Kodilans and were generous with their contributions. Someone in the family knew someone who received free training at the school. Besides, for ease of multiple droppings at a single moment, an hourglass shaped sturdy heavy-grade fabric with portholes to receive coins and paper currency was placed on top of the Hundi. For more protection, the bottom of the Hundi had an attached gravitational tube to siphon off the droppings to a safe and secure location soon after sensors detect paper currency or coins.  For additional safety, the security office was besides the Hundi. Even an ingenious thief cannot lift a penny from this thingamajig. The coins by gravitation went down the tube to the collection bin, while the paper currency was suctioned to a different bin. The tubes were configured one for coin travel and one for paper currency.

Daily and monthly collections were so strong the school dropped school fees from the paying students. The school was free for any deserving and qualified student.

Some of the graduates from The Kodil Vocational school sold shirts with Kodilan logo. Many of the graduates landed good jobs or started new businesses.  


September 30, 2015.

Tragedy strikes the family. Mayor Kodilan pushing past 80, became ill with chest and shoulder pains. Ambulance came and took him to the hospital the Kodilan family built for the public. The top doctors attended the mayor and yet could not save him.  He was cremated and the ashes were scattered in the Kodilan river nearby.

Soon thereafter, the Kodilan clan collected humongous amount of money to build the Kodilan Super Specialty Hospital right in the heart of the town. It took three years to put the hospital on map and in operation.

Satvan and Rangan go to medical college. November 1, 2015.

Satvi's son Satvan, 18 years of age, was selected for admission into Kodil Medical College and was to become a doctor in 5 years. He was a bright student and the family pulled no strings to secure his admission into the medical college.  Rangan the surrogacy baby of Rajasi and Raman (Raman's sperm fertilized Satvi's sperm on a dish.) followed Satvan 3 years later in the footsteps of his cousin Satvan.

Tamarai born of Tamasi and Lobhi had her eyes on running the Kodil Hotel and she was yet to graduate from High School. Satvan, Rangan and Tamarai had many cousins from their fathers' side of the family. As you may remember Lobhi had multiple brothers.

 Tamarai took college courses in hotel management in the high school and qualified for admission into the course for Hotel Administration in the university.  After graduation in Hotel Administration, she took a one year MBA course. Soon after she got her MBA, Lobhi ceded his position to his daughter, fully qualified to run the hotel. Besides Kodil Hotel, she was in charge of Hotel Paranga.
Satvan and Rangan graduated from the medical college and wanted to do specialty courses. Satvan did General surgery and later cardiovascular surgery. Rangan was more interested in hospital administration. Rangan did internal medicine for three years, later Pulmonary medicine and obtained M.D in both specialties and later did Hospital administration course.  Though he was a hospital administrator, he practiced Internal Medicine and Thoracic Medicine in the hospital and ran the Kodil Super-specialty Hospital as the assistant administrator.

November 1, 2015
Tamarai Falls in Love.
Tamarai was 24 years of age in full bloom, the most desirable woman in Kodil. She had intelligence, wealth, education, charm and beauty. What else do you need in a person? Yet she thought she needed social graces to move in high society, among the employees, workers, dignitaries, politicians, titans of industry...
She took evening courses in communication skills, International and business etiquette, corporate social obligation and responsibility...
She extended her charm and generosity to the hotel staff.  They were very happy to work for Tamarai. She gave generous maternity leave and all the employees were given health insurance and other benefits.  Considering the benefits, applications for dearth of positions came pouring in.  Gradually the old timers retired with generous pension and the new ones with college degrees occupied critical positions.  All these overhead expenses were liberally built into the hotel room and service charges.  The hotel was thriving well with tourists, vacationers, foreigners and out of state visitors. The graduates from school for orphans and vocational school that the Kodilans built, maintained and subsidized were given preference. She built such a close knit family of workers for the hotel, they would do anything for her. But she used her power ethically.  The errant workers were sent to the vocational school for remediation, reeducation, and treatment if necessary by qualified psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists.
Tamasi and Lobhi were actively looking for a groom for Tamarai, equal in every respect. Tamarai did not know behind the scenes activity of her parents. In her mind a choosing by parents is not acceptable but she never expressed her desire she would look for the groom herself.
A youth stayed in her hotel for a week which involved the prospect of building a factory for car parts in the outskirts of Kodil. He engaged in talks with the unions and their bosses, scouting for a suitable place for the factory...He was happy that Kodil had a good communication and transportation systems in place. He was satisfied with the qualified workforce available in Kodil. It looked like an ideal site for his factory. He had to get certification and permission from the mayor and the council, the provincial government, the governor, the dept. of environmental protection and many other entities.
The youth bumped into Tamarai, whom he mistook for another guest. But her looks and carriage overwhelmed him and tickled his imagination. He wanted to know who she was. The driver told him she was the famous Tamarai the administrator of the hotel. She looked like a peacock strutting along the corridors in the hotel. No expensive jewelry adorned her body parts, just simple earrings. Luckily for him, he had no female guests visiting with him in his room. That would have invited a quick attention and a posthaste ejection.
Tamarai in the meantime looked into the hotel register and discovered his name: Tampiran. She had the in-house intelligence to look into who he was. They narrated all his movements and places he visited in Kodil. The Taxiwallas kept their diaries, which were available to the hotel upon demand. Yes, the Kodilans owned a taxicab company.

The long and the short of it was he was the great grandson of a petty king under British Raj. The Indian Government stripped the kings of all their titles and stipends. They had to fend for themselves. On further inquiry, she discovered he was her quiet classmate right through engineering courses in the college.  No one paid any attention because he actively concealed his family history.

Tampiran went to various departments in the city to get proper licenses for his factory.  Tamarai and her mother Tamasi were visiting with Rangan the mayor of Kodil in his office. Rajasi was in mayor's office. A dashing young man was leaving the mayor's office a little dejected because the mayor wanted more information about his finances.  The mayor did not know that the young man asked the Kodilan bank to lend him 30% financing for the factory.  Mayor Rangan, Rajasi, Tamasi, and Tamarai were out for lunch in the corporation public cafeteria in the building. They saw him eating alone by himself.  The mayor offered to sit with him with his tagalongs for lunch. Tampiran narrated his story briefly. They were very impressed with his family history, his engineering degree at their college, the loan he sought from their bank...Tamarai was quiet taken up with him. He had everything a young woman would want in a man.  The mayor placed a call to the bank and put in a nice word about the young man seeking funding for his car parts company.  Since Tampiran was a nervous wreck because of the tedious process he had to go through to start his company, he did not pay enough attention to Tamarai. Tamasi saw the groom in him for Tamarai. They all wished him luck and the mayor told him not to lose hope.  The mayor picked up the tab.
Tamasi and Tamarai did shopping and left for the hotel and Lobhi joined them for their usual Tuesday dinner date with their daughter. Tampiran shows up in the luxurious hotel restaurant for his evening meal. Tamarai and Tamasi saw him looking haggard from all the walking, talking, hand-shaking and cab rides.  Tamarai approached him in her elegance, greeted him warmly and invited him to join them for dinner.  Not to impose on them during their private dining, he hesitated, but Tamasi joined Tamarai in inviting him.  He followed them; Lobhi pulled a chair for him. All had a sumptuous dinner. During cocktail hour, Lobhi and Tamasi sipped a meager amount of wine. They were not really into drinking.  Tamarai drank ginger ale.  Tampiran likewise drank ginger ale.
Tampiran narrated his story in a little more detail to all of them. Lobhi told him he was welcome to Kodil and would arrange for all the licenses and loan he needed to start a car parts company.  Tampiran had no clue that Lobhi owned the hotel. He guessed that Tamasi and Tamarai must be his wife and daughter.
Next morning, mysteriously, two letters were found under the hotel room door, which read that his project and loan application were approved by the mayor and city council and the bank.  He thought Lobhi must be a big shot around town in Kodil. He ran to the front desk in his pajamas and excitedly asked the concierge where and when he could meet Lobhi.  The man behind the desk informed him that Mr. Lobhi would come around noon time and that he could meet him then.
Lobhi was punctual and the poor Tampiran from the erstwhile kingly municipality, patiently waiting in the lobby, stood up as Lobhi entered through the humongous front doors of his hotel.  Still Tampiran had no clue who Lobhi was.
Tampiran: Hello Mr. Lobhi. Can I have your attention please.
Lobhi in his casual manner: Yes, you can. What can I do for you?
Tampiran: I received two letters of approval of the project and the loan application. Thank you very much for your help.
Lobhi: I have nothing to do with them. Thank yourself for your proposal. Nothing could have moved overnight for this to happen.
Tampiran: Could it be your wife and daughter have something to do with these letters.
Lobhi: I know for a fact they have nothing to do with them. Your proposal impressed the mayor, the city council and the bank. You are one lucky man, considering they are hard to impress.
Tampiran: I still want to thank you for the kind words from you and your family.  Can I thank your wife and daughter in person?
Lobhi: You may. For that to happen, please attend dinner at our house. Is that OK with you? we will send a car to pick you up.
Tampiran: Thank you very much. I love to dine at your house. ( He did not know it was not a house but a mansion.)
A limo showed up. The concierge announced Tampiran on the room phone that a car was waiting to pick him up. Tampiran neatly dressed in white dhoti, white shirt and Angavastiram was waiting at the entrance to the hotel by the curb. The limo was in front of him. He thought the limo was for a celebrity. The concierge came out and told him it was his ride to Lobhi's mansion. 
He got into the limo and rode to a mansion with gates, guards, gardens, fountains, strutting peacocks and deer in the grounds. He heard such opulence existed during the British Raj, when his great grandfather was a petty king of a municipality.
The uniformed guard saluted him and opened the gates. The cry of the peacocks and the grazing of the deer drew his attention. He was met at the entrance to the mansion by Lobhi and Tamasi and taken to the humongous lobby, where to his surprise he saw the mayor, Rajasi, Tamarai and still others he did not know. 
Formal introductions were made of Satvi and her husband Sudama.
They were all smiles to make him comfortable. He thought before he must live a dream visit to his great grandfather's palace.
Sudama: Hello. I am Professor. Sudama. I understand you have an engineering degree, an M.S. and MBA. You are well qualified to open the car parts factory in Kodil.

Tampiran: Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.
Rajasi: I hear you already have your approvals from the mayor, the council and the bank. Good luck. You deserve it.
Tamasi: Welcome to our place.
Tamarai: The dinner is ready.
With that, everyone sauntered to the ornate dining room.
Lobhi was at the head of the table with Sudama and Satvi on his left side and Tamasi on the right side. Rajasi and the mayor Raman were seated to the right of Tamasi. Tamarai and Tampiran sat to the left of Satvi.
The eight courses of South Indian dinner were served. It was rich and sumptuous.
Tamarai and Tampiran smiled at each other often. He dropped the cutlery when he was opening the soft napkin folded like an envelope.  Tamarai immediately offered her cutlery and picked his from the floor and put it aside.  She felt tinglimg when his hand accidentally rubbed against her hand.
At the end of the dinner, each person had a bouquet of flowers to take (home). Under his bouquet, Tampiran had an envelope addressed to him. He opened it immediately and found the factory site was approved for construction.  Prompted by Tamarai, he read it aloud for everyone to hear, "Your application was approved for construction."
Tampiran's joy knew no bounds and came near Tamarai's face, pulled back and shook hands with her. He went around the dining table, thanking everyone for the support.
Tamarai bid him good-bye at the entrance to the mansion. He was taken back to the hotel in the Limo. 

Tampiran expressed his interest to date Tamarai.
With permission from the parents, Tamarai went on dates with Tampiran. They hit it off well together.  Their personalities were accommodating.  There was a car with driver at their disposal, as they went about town. They held hands and came so close together that each could feel the warm breath of the other. The driver doubled as chaperon, of which they were aware.
Lobhi put his investigative machinery to work. The investigators found he was a real genuine prince and a great grandson of a petty king of a municipality. He had no girlfriends. The parents are very liberal people.

Tampiran went back home about two hours from Kodil. Tampiran's parents came to the Kodil hotel by prior arrangement and expressed their desire to Lobhi and Tamasi for matrimonial alliance. Tamarai's parents were receptive and promised to get back to them soon.
Lobhi: What is your feeling about this matrimonial alliance?
Tamasi: It appears fine with me.
Lobhi: When we draw up a prenuptial agreement which should entail, that the groom and the bride would keep their finances separate. In case of divorce, either one will not seek the property of the other.  The common property between them will be her salary from the Hotel administration and his salary from the car parts firm.  The real estate that each owns will remain with the original owner upon divorce or death. Their children have the right to their properties upon attaining the age of majority.  A trust will be established.  This is just an outline. We have to ask the lawyers to draw up the prenup.
Tamasi: I see your logic.

November 1, 2016

 Within a week of the proposal, lobhi and Tamasi went to the house of the parents of Tampiran and agreed to the wedding.

In two months, Tampiran and Tamarai were husband and wife. The wedding was elaborate by their own standards. It appeared the whole town was in the hotel. The rooms by prior arrangement were declared unavailable for paying guests, to accommodate VIP wedding guests. The chief priest of the Temple sanctified the marriage. Anyone who cared to walk in had a free meal at the hotel. Everyone was welcome. Upon seeing the sign in front of the hotel ‘Come in and Dine with Us,’ some western visitors who had no formal invitations showed up for the wedding ceremony and the typical south Indian feast. They signed the register and left having enjoyed the ceremony and the feast. The citizens of Kodil attended the wedding and the feast.

Tamarai and Tampiran had their work cut out for them, between his car parts company and her hotel business…

Satvan and Santhi
Satvan had an eye on a classmate of his in the medical college. She was Santhi, who graduated from the medical college and later trained as a pediatrician. Both were employees of the hospital in their respective departments. There were occasions, when she requested consultation with Satvan on children with heart problems. Their professional contact flowered into a friendship. They used to go out for movies, restaurants…when they were in the hospital employment.
Santhi’s parents died in a car accident, when she was a child. She was orphaned, a resident in the orphanage. By her superior intelligence and application to studies, she received admission to the medical college on scholarship.
Satvan was not aware of her personal history because she was hesitant to tell him. He did not know she was a resident orphan in the Kodilan Orphanage run by his mother, aunts and uncles. She was the beneficiary of munificent Kodilan clan. Besides she was a student of his father in college before she was admitted into the medical college. She was recommended for admission into the medical college by his father.
After her parents died when she was five years of age, there were no near relatives to take her in. The orphanage took her and let her grow at all levels: physical, educational, intellectual... She always felt she was someone lower than others outside the orphanage. This complex never left her and drove her into pediatrics to help children.
Her parents were living in a town about 200 miles from Kodil. He was a temple priest well versed in Sanskrit, English and Tamil. Mr. Sessa Iyengar and his wife had no property to give to their progeny. When they died, the only gift they gave to the world was their daughter. That daughter by shear intelligence and persistence, grew up under extenuating circumstances to become a pediatrician.
Since most of the south Indians go by one name, Satvan or Santhi did not connect the names. She was another girl in the Kodilan Orphanage. Only Satvan's mother and his aunts knew about her potential and always encouraged her to aim higher. Santhi never knew or told anybody that she was an Iyengar girl, raised in an orphanage. Only when she moved out of the orphanage, she learnt of her parents full name and caste. Satvan's mother showed Santhi her Orphanage Entry Form listing the names of her parents, caste, occupation...

Satvan went to his mother and told her he was in love with Santhi, a fellow doctor and a pediatrician in the hospital. The conversation went like this.
Satvan: Mom, I am in love with a colleague of mine in the dept. of pediatrics. Her name is Santhi.
Satvi: Santhi! Why is that name familiar?
She was not sure why that name rang a bell.
Satvi: Honey (addressing Sudama), does Santhi ring a bell?
Sudama: Yes, I remember her well. She was a student of mine and I recommended her for admission into the medical college. She was bright like a button. I have not heard of her and don’t know of her ever since she left the pre-med.
Satvi called Rajasi and Tamasi to enquire about Santhi.
Rajasi: Yes, I remember her. She was the orphaned daughter of a temple priest who died in a car accident with his wife. She came recommended to the Kodilan Orphanage, some 200 miles away from here. I remember giving her small gifts during Diwali and her birthdays.
Satvi called Tamasi whether she knew Santhi.
Tamasi: Yes, when she as a five-year-old girl came from Karali to Kodil with a chaperon, I picked her up in the bus stop and brought her to the orphanage.
They all went to the hotel for a dinner and talk about Satvan’s choice to marry Santhi.
Lobhi, Tamasi, Satvan, Sudama, Rajasi, Raman, Tamarai, Tampiran, Dr. Rangan and the grandmother assembled for dinner and hear Satvan to present his case!
Satvan: I knew Santhi from medical school. She is a reserved person. She kept to herself. He is a bright doctor. I know her from my professional contact. She is my choice as a life partner.
Lobhi: Our enterprise is bearing fruits. We will get a new bride from our own larger family that includes our orphanage. Congratulations my dear Satvan for choosing someone from our family.
Tamasi: I am glad I picked her up from the Kodilan Bus stop on a rainy day. Congratulations.
Satvi: Me too, I showed her orphanage record to her when she graduated. Congratulations, my son.
Sudama: I recommended her for admission into the medical college. See what she turned out to be.
Raman: I have had no contact with her, but I already feel she is part of our family.
Rajasi: Her parents are from a good and noble family. Her father was a priest. She is god-sent. Congratulations.
Rangan: Congratulation my dear cousin. Best of luck.
Grandmother and Tampiran joined the chorus of approval and congratulated Satvan for his choice.

Dr. Santhi Weds Dr. Satvan.

Marriage took place in two months that coincided with the date when his own parents married and exchanged vows. By divine appointment, that was the day Santhi landed in Kodilan orphanage as a five-year-old orphan.
Dr. Santhi wanted to hold the wedding in the Kodil Orphanage and invite all the inmates of the orphanage for her wedding. The orphanage was a holy place for Santhi, a temple, a refuge… She had fond memories of life in the orphanage.
The Kodilan clan agreed on it. The marriage was simple. The Kodilan clan located a distant relative of Dr. Santhi to sanctify the marriage. He was a priest with meager means in a village temple. It was almost like registering in the city hall with no fanfare. It was a significant event in Kodil. For the people of Kodil, the event symbolized the indomitable nature of the human spirit, by which a girl rose from an orphanage to become a doctor for children in their town.