2024BoscoAndTheTeamFightCrime10 |
Veeraswamy Krishnaraj |
Bosco the shapeshifter
of self and others Crime was rampant and on the ascent in the city of Arupanam for many years. The mayor and the city council invited Bosco to help bring down the crime wave in the city, because of Bosco's proven crime-fighting ability in other cities. Bosco set out with his friends: Ramduth the monkey, Biscuit the dog and Malini the cat. The mayor, the city council, the business leaders, and the prominent citizens invited him to the city hall. When they saw the three animals with him, they were disappointed and made catcalls. The mayor asked for calm and told the assembled people to trust him. The people dispersed in disappointment and disapproval. Bosco met with the mayor privately, thanked him for his confidence and assured him of his intent to elevate the crime-ridden city to a crime-free utopia. With that reassurance, Bosco left the mayor’s office with his animal team. Everyone thought the animals were his pets. He took up residence in a non-descript abandoned building, which the people thought was haunted by ghosts and goblins and were afraid to visit it. He transfigured the monkey, the dog, and the cat into three young women and spoke to them in the local language, which they used in conversation with the local people. The transfiguration of all three was complete and they retained their own names. They also were capable of instant on-demand transfiguration to any animal and reversal to their original state at their own individual will. Their priority was catching all the small thieves and crooks with a view to catching their bigger and resourceful sponsors, so the latter would be put out of business. The thieves stole electronic goods, jewelry, cycles, motorbikes, cars, and anything valuable that had a consumer demand and was easy to palm off. They went after petty criminals at shopping plaza, and bazars like chain and purse snatchers. Their first venue was the AMD Mall. Bosco and the three young women went to the mall to catch the snatchers and shoplifters. A lean tall and wiry guy was following a bunch of teenage girls. One was wearing a gold chain. He jumped on the girl, snatched the chain from her neck and ran. Ramduth, now a young woman, followed him. The chain snatcher felt a woman followed him. Soon before the thief turned his head, Ramduth, changed herself from a woman to her original form, the monkey, which was ubiquitous in that part of the country. The monkey morphed into a fly and rode on his jacket to the underground den. The thief went to the underground gold merchant and handed over the gold chain to him. The merchant paid him his daily wages for his work. Now the question for Ramduth was how to restore the gold chain to the teenage girl in the mall. The merchant left the chain on the gold weighing machine and went for lunch. Ramduth saw the chance to take the chain back. Ramduth morphed to her original form, a monkey, went into the shop and picked up the chain and disappeared. Ramduth came back to the mall, followed the teenager and her friends, and hung the chain on the rearview side mirror on the passenger side of their car unnoticed by anyone. The teenager picked up the chain and went back home in the car. Ramduth, identifying herself as Bosco’s coworker, went to the police and informed them of the den where the underground gold merchant of stolen gold chains stashed the loot. The police raided the place, took all the jewels, labelled with the thief’s name, the place where the thief stole them, the money paid to the thief and other particulars. The police restored the stolen jewels to their owners upon proper identification, closed the shop, and put the merchant and his hoodlums in jail after finding them guilty in the court. The mayor thanked Bosco for the apprehension of the culprits. Biscuit the dog took upon itself the task of restoring the puppies stolen by people. Biscuit had the ability to morph into a person, a puppy, a grown dog, a bird, or any other being that the situation demanded. The puppy thieves stole from luxury homes, as they wandered in the garden or outside. The puppies fetched a large sums of money. A few thieves stole to receive reward money, some for breeding and some for a wholesale merchant. Daywyd had a kennel, who specialized in breeding dogs and buying and selling stolen dogs. Ames was his thief in chief to steal puppies. He stole an average of ten puppies a month. Unknown to the kennel owner, Ames stole and restored the puppies to their owners for reward money. Daywyd kept a scrupulous record of the stolen puppies by Ames. One day Ames was driving his car in a rich neighborhood and noticed a puppy outside the gated house. The puppy was so beautiful he could not resist his desire to steal it. He picked up the puppy, sat it on the passenger seat and drove away. The puppy was no other than Biscuit, who had the faculties of a human being. Ames the puppy napper went to David’s kennel and sold it for pennies and went home. Daywyd put the puppy in a special enclosure. The kennel owner closed the shop and went home. The only one minding the store was the night guard. Biscuit, now a puppy, morphed into a young woman, unlatched the door, went into the business office, took all the stolen puppy records, and retired to her retreat, where Bosco and the team lived. Next morning, Bosco took all the records to the mayor, who informed the police. The police seized the kennel, liberated the stolen puppies, restored them to their rightful owners and brought charges against the owner. The mayor was grateful to Bosco since the police restored his own puppy to him, hale and healthy. This was the big news in the morning newspapers. The remarkable fact was the puppies wagged their tails only when the owner approached , making it easy to connect the owner and the puppy. The crime in the city was waning since the mayor authorized Bosco and his team to catch the thieves and bring them to justice with the cooperation of the local police. Malini the cat had its role cut out for fighting crime. Cat burglars were robbing the people blind. Malini remained a cat with human intellect and thinking abilities. Malini watched the houses from the rooftop and looked out for cat burglars. She followed them with their stolen goods taking mental notes. She collected data over a period of a month and handed over to Bosco and then to the police whatever she had on these burglars. She had the street address where the burglary took place, the burglars’ names, the goods they stole and the places where they stashed their ill-gotten goods. She, in the capacity of Bosco’s coworker, gave the police all the notes she had with her, and the police charged them with the crime. Bosco returned to the mayor’s office, where he congratulated Bosco with Ramduth, Biscuit and Malini in their animal forms. No one laughed this time. The mayor thanked them for their service to the city. But no one knew that that the team played the leading role in apprehending the criminals and restoring the properties to their rightful owners. The mayor and the people did not know the yogic feats of Bosco and the team. |
he Yogi's special qualities are 1. Anima. (smallness): Supernatural power of becoming as small as an atom, atomization 2. Mahima. (largeness): The supernatural power of increasing size at will 3. Gharima. The supernatural power of making one self heavy at will 4. Laghima. (lightness): The supernatural power of levitation 5. Prāptih. Supernatural power to obtain everything 6. Praakaamya. Capacity to accomplish anything desired 7. Isitva. Supremacy or superiority considered as a super natural power 8. Vashistva. The supernatural power of subduing all to one's own will ---Definitions as found in Tamil Lexicon, Madras University |