The floods came to the village from torrential rains. The village animals ran to the hills and the forest, while people packed up what they could carry and left for higher ground. A temple elephant, a cow, a dog, a cat and a mouse left the village and went to the forest. The dog, the cat and the mouse hitched a ride on the elephant because the flood waters were knee-deep. A few families also went to the hilly forest area to escape the floods. The paddy fields submerged under the water, the village field wells were full and disappeared under the flood waters. The cow slipped and fell into the submerged well and luckily the elephant pulled it out of the well. As they all went to the hills, the ground was firmer and easy to tread. The waters poured down the hills further aggravating the flood conditions in the village. The mouse knowing its size and afraid of the waters, was hanging on the elephant’s ear and saw several field mice swimming desperately in the flooded fields for their lives. The crows of the village had no problems and flew to the hills at no time. The animals reached a plateau in the hill and decided to call it home for the duration of the floods. The cow had plenty of grass to eat. The elephant had no shortage of food in the wooded hills. The mouse ate the grains. The dog and the cat had a problem finding food in the forest and explored the forest for food. In their wanderings, they found a village inhabited by the hill tribes. They cultivated corn, maintained apple grove, grew berries and edible roots. The children, attracted by the cat and the dog, played with them. The tribal people knew they were refugees from the floods in the plains. There were plenty of mountain goats yielding milk to the villagers. They were vegans and so never ate meat. The villagers fed the cat and the dog. Once they regained their strength, they wanted to bring their friends, the elephant and the cow to the tribal village. The cat stayed back and the dog left for its friends. It took a day to reach the mountain plateau. The dog announced its discovery of a tribal village up on the hill. First, they were hesitant because the food was plenty where they stayed. After a few days of dog’s convincing persuasion, the elephant and the cow decided to follow the dog to the tribal village. They reached the village in due course of time and the children were happy to see the elephant and the cow. The villagers took to all the animals including the mouse. The children took rides on the elephant. The villagers fed the elephant fruits, roots and raw jaggery. The refugees lived in the tribal village for a few months. The floods subsided. The dog went to the village and saw people were back in the village and the village life was back to normal. The villagers wondered how the dog survived so long. The village headman sent his son with the dog to find out. The dog and the man went to the tribal village after two days of trekking. The tribal villagers were astonished to see the man from the plains. They were hospitable.

IIn the months that followed, life in the tribal village became a haven for the animals and the headman's son. The bond between them grew stronger each day, and the animals thrived in their new surroundings. The elephant enjoyed the lush vegetation, the cow grazed contentedly on the abundant grass, and the mouse found an endless supply of grains and seeds.
The headman's son, fascinated by the tribal way of life, immersed himself in their culture. He learned their language, participated in their daily activities, and forged deep friendships with the villagers. The tribal people, in turn, embraced him as one of their own, grateful for the presence of the animals that had brought joy to their children.
As time passed, news from the plains reached the tribal village. The floods had receded, and life was slowly returning to normal. The headman's son longed to return home, to reunite with his family and share the incredible tale of their journey and the kindness they had encountered.
Reluctantly, the animals and the headman's son bid farewell to the tribal village, their hearts heavy with gratitude. The children, who had formed a special bond with the animals, tearfully waved goodbye, cherishing the memories they had created together.
Upon their return to the village, the animals were met with a mix of astonishment and joy. The villagers marveled at their survival and endurance through the floods. The dog, now hailed as a hero, was showered with love and affection, for it had not only saved itself but had also led the others to the tribal village, where they had found refuge.
The village headman's son shared tales of the tribal people, their generosity, and the beauty of their mountain home. The villagers listened in awe, their hearts touched by the kindness they had shown to the animals and their friend.
Inspired by the resilience of the animals and the enduring spirit of hope they had witnessed, the villagers came together to rebuild their village. They supported one another, using the experience of the floods as a catalyst for positive change. They built stronger houses, constructed new wells, and worked to prevent future disasters.
In the years that followed, the village flourished. The fields thrived, and the wells provided an abundance of water. The villagers, once again living in harmony with nature, adopted sustainable practices and developed a deep respect for the land that had sustained them.
The animals, forever grateful to the villagers for their hospitality, continued to be cherished members of the community. The elephant became a symbol of strength and resilience, revered by all. The cow provided milk, nourishing the villagers, while the mouse kept the grain stores free from pests.
And in the midst of it all, the dog remained a beloved companion to the headman's son, a constant reminder of the journey they had undertaken together and the hope they had found amidst the trials. Their friendship served as a testament to the enduring power of compassion and the ability to overcome even the most challenging of circumstances.
As the years passed, the story of the floods and the animals became a legend in the village, passed down from one generation to the next. It reminded them of the importance of unity, compassion, and the strength that lies within each individual.
And so, the village thrived, bound together by the shared memories and the enduring spirit of hope that had carried them through the darkest of times. They had learned that even in the face of adversity, with endurance, perseverance, and a helping hand, they could overcome any difficulty and build a brighter future together.

The floods had left an indelible mark on the village, forever etched in the memories of its inhabitants. Determined not to be caught off guard again, the villagers embarked on a project that would help them mitigate the impact of future floods.
With their united efforts, they constructed a large lake with high walls at the outskirts of the village. The purpose of this endeavor was twofold. Firstly, the lake would serve as a reservoir to collect excess water during heavy rains, preventing the inundation of the village and its surrounding areas. Secondly, it would provide a sustainable source of fish, offering the villagers a means to supplement their diet and generate income.
The construction of the lake was a testament to their resilience and determination. They toiled day and night, using their collective strength to shape the walls that would contain the waters. The villagers worked in harmony, each contributing their skills and resources to the project. Those who had experienced the floods firsthand were particularly motivated, their memories fueling their resolve.
As the walls of the lake took shape, the submerged wells of the past were not forgotten. The villagers decided to dig new wells, this time ensuring they were positioned in safe locations away from flood-prone areas. They took precautions, using the knowledge gained from their previous ordeal to protect their valuable water sources.
Once the lake was complete, it became a symbol of their endurance and their commitment to a brighter future. The villagers rejoiced as the first rains filled the lake, seeing it not as a reminder of their past hardships but as a testament to their resilience and foresight.
The lake soon became a thriving fish farm, providing an abundant source of sustenance for the villagers. Its tranquil waters offered a peaceful respite from the toils of everyday life, becoming a place for recreation and reflection. Families gathered along its banks, casting their nets and enjoying moments of tranquility amidst the beauty of their creation.
With the lake and the fish farm, the village began to prosper. The surplus fish not only nourished the villagers but also became a source of trade, bringing prosperity to the community. The newfound abundance filled the villagers with hope and a renewed sense of purpose.
In the years that followed, the village flourished. The lake remained a steadfast guardian, diligently receiving excess water during heavy rains, sparing the village from the devastating floods that had once ravaged their homes. The wells provided a reliable supply of water, ensuring the villagers' daily needs were met without fear of contamination or scarcity.
The lake also became a gathering place, a central hub for community activities. The villagers organized fishing festivals, celebrating the bounty they had reaped from their foresight and hard work. Children laughed and played along its shores, their joy a testament to the transformation the village had undergone.
The legend of the floods and the subsequent construction of the lake became a part of the village's history. It served as a reminder of the strength and resilience of its people, teaching future generations the importance of unity, preparedness, and taking proactive measures to overcome challenges.
And so, the village thrived, forever grateful for the lessons learned from their past hardships. With the lake as a symbol of their endurance and hope, they embraced the future with open hearts and unwavering determination, knowing that together they could overcome any difficulty that came their way.

This story is based on real life.