Sakthi Vikatan 2011 Dec 27
Revised 2018-June 23
Sri Ramanamaharishi

There was no reason for an Englishman to sit cross-legged on the floor
before Indian Sadhus, Yogis, Rishis, Gurus… As the ruling class, to sit
before an Indian Sannyasi brings disrespect to his country. This was the
firm belief of the British, those days.
That hubris prevented them to know India. When a British official was
asked whether he met a Yogi, the answer was, “A Yogi, what is that?”
“Yogi, is that a wild animal?’ What is there in India for the
British to find out or learn?
Railway Engine? Warship? Airplane? Any new discovery or
invention. Nothing of the sort. That was the bombast of the British
They did not have deep knowledge of the inscrutable mind, self-enquiry…
among many Indians. But
Paul Brunton,
the pen name of Raphael Hurst, a journalist and book publisher
(21 October 1898 – 27 July 1981) had contrary opinion. He went in search
of stories for publication.
He travelled the foothills of Himalayas, on the shores of Ganges…He
interviewed Mantra-meisters, naked Sadhus, Madathipathis…Each had his or
her own greatness. Almost all surprised him. But he never had the Aha
Moment with anyone. Brunton
came to Chennai and heard about Ramana Maharishi. Thinking Sadhus are
dime a dozen, he got rid of a friend who promised to take him to
Later another friend took him to Kanchi Pīdāthipathi
Mahāperiyava SriChandrasēkarēntira Sarasvati Swāmygaḷ. His tranquil
face, smile, intense piercing look…moved Paul Brunton.

There was a rise of jealousy as he saw Mahāperiyava. He stated he went
around India with an open mind and sought the help of Periyava to point
to him the path pursuing which he could attain a lofty state.
Mahāperiyava advised him, “You told me you had Darśan of many Sadhus.
Take one, as your Guru and follow his path. If none drew your interest,
pay attention to your own mind. Try to get Darśan of your
It will take you in the right path.”
Paul Brunton implored, “Why can’t I get a Guru to show me a path? Can’t
you guide me to a Guru?” There was a pregnant silence. Mahāperiyava did
not speak for a while. Then he spoke in a soft voice, “There are two
people in India, one in Kasi, who never meets with any one and the
second in Tiruvannamalai, who I met once, is a real great Jñāni.”
Paul Brunton: “Is he not Ramana Maharishi? A friend said he would take
me to him. Not knowing about him, I did not go to him.”
Mahāperiyava asked for a promise from the Englishman saying, “Do one
thing. Change your travel plan. Go see him. Don’t leave India without
seeing him. Promise me that.” Paul Brunton gave him the promise he will
meet with him. One great Jñāni sends an Englishman to another great
Jñāni. Through that Englishman, the Maharishi’s greatness will be known
all over the world. His article will draw many to Tiruvannamalai.
They don’t come for sight-seeing.
They were in pursuit of deep Jñānam in India. They will find out
about the
(self-enquiry), talk about it, write about it, spread the tenet all over
Europe. The root cause of this publicity is Paul Brunton. The trip to
Tiruvannamalai will bring it to fruition.
Mahāperiyava knew that false notions about India would be erased and the
British would go to India with opposed palms.

Mahāperiyava did a great service as if he turned a small boulder to give
a great river its destined path. Time has come for the light on the hill
in Tiruvannamalai to illuminate the whole world.
Satyam celebrates Satyam and gave light to many souls all over
the world.
Paul Brunton
asked Mahāperiyava, “Why can’t you be my guide and Guru?”
Mahāperiyava blessed him and told him, “How could I take you as my
disciple? Now I get only about three or four hours sleep. With the time
constraints, keeping you by my side and answering all your questions are
impossible. My established duties are different. You follow my advice
and go to the Maharishi. You will attain what you seek.”
Paul Brunton travels by rail to Tiruvannamalai with a South India friend
and describes the sights of Tiruvannamalai.
There are no black-top roads as present now. There were houses and Mutts
around the temple. In other places, there were groves and bush.
travelled in a bullock cart on a dusty road towards Ramanasramam. The
people had scanty clothes on them. There were only a few people here and
there. Upon reaching Ramanasramam, Paul Brunton saw with amazement the
youths working around the Āśramam and drawing water from the well.
He knew at first sight the occupant of the white sofa in a hall was
Maharishi. There was a container from which spiraled fragrant smoke.
Not having the complexion of the south Indians, Maharishi’s body
was of wheat complexion. Turning to see them coming, Maharishi was
looking far away. Hoping he will turn to his side, Paul Brunton put down
the fruits and waited. Time passed. Maharishi did not turn. He wondered
in a devious sense whether Maharishi was acting (or ignoring him).
Let us get Darśan
End 45