Fowl Play
Veeraswamy Krishnaraj June
5, 2016 Santapuri was a small
town with a railway station. It was right along the north-south corridor
in the East moving people and goods. The rail line went through temple
towns and commercial hubs.
locomotive ran on coal and steam. Koziman ran a small business near the railway
station selling newspapers, candies, cigarettes… He made a good living.
His oldest son and his wife helped him run the business. Most of the
time, he was on the road and about town looking for novelties to sell in
his ramshackle shop with tin roof. Among his suppliers were
the nomadic tribes, who hunted small animals. They were in the periphery
of the society. They sold ornamental beads in bulk and in retail. The
people called them
bird-catchers. They cast small nets,
catch birds, roasted them on open fire pit and ate them. They were a
common sight in villages and small towns. They are classified as
குருவிக்காரன் kuruvi-k-kāraṉ.
Bird-catcher, bird-fancier;
2. A class of bird-catchers, who decoy birds
by concealing themselves and successfully imitating their cries.
Tamil Lexicon
They looked different from the local population. They were brown rather
than black. They had straight hair. They spoke a language alien to the
local people.
Recently (May 2016), in Chennai airport, birds
became a nuisance and a danger for aircrafts.
airport hired the Narikravars to catch the birds. Koziman arranged cock fights between two roosters in a cockpit and made substantial money from the participants. He cut off the combs, wattles and earlobes so they don't get injured. He trained them well and took care of them until their fated encounter with another rooster.
When the family, the relatives and community
ostracized him, he changed his ways. Before he changed, he used to steal
the cocks from barns, villagers… He used to go the forest and catch
feral cocks. He fitted their legs with razor blades and made sure they
had sharp beaks.
Many cocks died of shock from blade
cuts, shock and exsanguination. The dead ones were sold as chicken meat.
the outlying villages, he stole the chickens, hid them and joined the
village search party as a concerned citizen.
Over years, the people in the adjoining
villages figured out his devious methods and ostracized him.
This is how this Tamil proverb came into vogue. 271. கோழி திருடியும் கூடிக்குலாவுகிறான். Though he has stolen the fowl he joins the others in going about searching for it. 241, 256, 264. - “May the man be damned and never grow fat, who wears two faces under one hat.” Translation and quote Rev. Herman Jensen கூடிக் குலாவுதல் = To enjoy a person's society, take pleasure in one's company. Tamil Lexicon Besides stealing the fowl, he is having fun joining his comrades (search party). Krishnaraj |