GMS19KandhansMercy published:27 Jan 2020 7 PMUpdated:27 Jan 2020 7 PM Sakthi Vikatan சக்தி கொடு! – 19. Give Sakthi - 19 சக்தி விகடன் டீம்பத்மவாசன் Sakthi Vikatan Team Padmanabhan கந்தனின் கருணை பொங்கும் தைப்பூசம்! Thaippūsam (tai-p-pūcam), n. The full moon in the month of Tai, a day of the festival brimming with Kandhan's, grace, mercy, benignity. The Tamil Month of Tai: mid-January to mid-February |
Kandhaṉ's Mercy 1. Kandhapperumāṉ's Avatara holy day is the 16th Nakṣatra in the second lunar month of Vicākam, (mid-May to mid-June). Since the six presiding deities of the constellation Pleiades (= கார்த்திகைப் பெண்கள் = Kārtthikaip peṇkaḷ) raised him, the month of Kārthikkai celebrates the foster mothers of Kandhaṉ and became the holy days of eulogy of Murugaṉ (Kandhaṉ). Likewise, the holy day of Taipūsam is most suitable for the fullness, perfection, and pervasion of Kandhavēḷ. கார்த்திகை =Kārtthikai = mid-November to mid-December. 2. Before we learn of the reason, let us discover the other greatness of Taipūsam. 3. This holy day was the wonderful day when Śivaperumāṉ danced the Āṉantha Thāṇdavam (Ecstatic Dance) on a Thursday around noon in Taippūsam. The thousand-faced Bāṉukambar blew a thousand conches. Vāṇākaraṉ with a thousand shoulders played on Kuṭamuzhavu (= குடமுழவு = loud hemispherical drum). The Gandharvas sounded the large kettle drums (துந்துபி = Thunthupi), played on musical instruments and sang songs. At the same time, Śivaperumāṉ with Ambikai danced the Ecstatic dance (Āṉantha Thāṇdavam = ஆனந்தத் தாண்டவம்) and granted his blessings and grace. |
கந்தனின் கருணை Kandhaṉ's Mercy 4. Vyākrapāthar, Pathañjali, Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and the 3,000 Thiruvudai Anthaṇars received Darsan of his dance of ecstasy. They experienced horripilation, melting of the mind and soul, and spontaneous shedding of tears. திருவுடை = Thiruvudair = Sacerdotal accessaries & implements. Anthaṇars = 'the community of hereditary Brahmin priests known as Muvariyavar.' 5. Pathañjali Muṉivar supplicated to Śiva, "Śivaperumānē! I implore you to perform from today forwards the Ecstatic Dance for all to see and to receive grace and blessings from you." 6. Śivaperumāṉ acceded to his request. Soon after that, on the command of Śivaperumāṉ, a golden hall was put in place. Since then, in Chidambaram Temple Kaṉaka Sabhai, Śiva and Ambikai gave the privilege to all, to receive Darsan of his Ecstatic Dance always, as Vyākrapāthar, Pathañjali, and others paid tributes to the Lord of Dance. 7. The presiding deity of Pūsa Nakṣatra is Devaguru Viyāzha Bhagavan (Bṛhaspati). He is the principle and the essence of wisdom. By our worship of him on Pūsa Nakṣatra, we can obtain his grace in fullness. The worship at the meritorious time on Taipūsam is supremely special. 8. The water came into existence for the first time on Taipūsam day at the advent of a Yuga. The sacred texts mention that all living beings came into existence from water. To drive home this point on people on Taippūsam day, 'Float Festival' (தெப்போற்சவம்) takes place in the temple tanks. Śiva, Pārvati, and Murugan take a stroll on the covered float: That incident is the festival celebrating the creation secret, according to the saying of elders. Float Festival' (தெப்போற்சவம்) = The processional deity, placed on a float in the temple tank, goes to the Mandapam (Brick and mortar pavilion) in the center of the tank or pool for worship. 9. Let us discover the causal events that helped Muruga-p-Perumāṉ to claim this holy day as his festival day. We celebrate this event joyously. |
10. Śiva's Amsam (fragment, part or portion) is
Murugap-Perumāṉ. Kandha Puranam points to the fact: 'See how Īśaṉ, by
his dance, became a prattling child.' This is why Taipūsam holy day is
the day of celebration for both Śiva and Murugaṉ but Murugaṉ Temples
gain great importance on this day. 11. On one of the Taipūsam holy days, Mother Pārvati gave her son Murugaṉ her blessings and a trident made by her for her son's guaranteed victory. The votaries explained the later appearance of the Trident as the younger sister of Murugaṉ. 12. That is why the Sakthivel (Trident) of Kandhaṉ's other laudatory name is 'Ṣaṅmuki'. This Kumaravēl (trident used as a writing instrument) scribed on the tongues of Aruṇgiriyār and Kumaraguruparar the alphabets and conferred Jñāṉam (wisdom). 13. The Dēvars twitched and tossed in agony, unable to put up with Sūrapadmaṉ's cruelty. Dēvaguru Viyāzha Bhagavan described at length to Murugaperumāṉ the cause, the acts and the counteracts. Murugaṉ listened to him, killed Sūrapadmaṉ and removed the sufferings of the Dēvars. That day Viyāzha Bhagavan complained to Murugaṉ was the holy day of Taippūsam. The sacred texts say we address our petitions to Murugaṉ on the Taipūsam holy day for the remediation of our urgent grievances and complaints. 14. Moreover, Pūsam Nakṣatra's Dēvatai is Devaguru Viyāzha Bhagavan. Murugaperumāṉ is the Guru of gurus. Therefore, in the month of Tai, which is the beginning of the meritorious and auspicious period of Uttarāyaṉam (Northern Passage of the sun), and under the star of Pūsam favorable to the Guru, the sacred texts say worship of Kandhaṉ, the Guru of gurus is singularly most propitious. 15. Taippūsam has another explanation. Vaḷḷi and Deivāṉai were sisters in the previous life and performed austerities to marry Murugapperumāṉ. Since Murugapperumāṉ married Vaḷḷi, Deivāṉai expressed pretend anger. Murugaṉ married both: Vaḷḷi by traditional Wedding of a Virgin (கற்பு மணம் = Kaṛpu Maṉam = Wedding a virgin) and Deivāṉai by Stealth Wedding (= களவு மணம் = Kaḷavu Maṉam = Wedding by stealth 'with no rituals, witnesses or family participation;' Love marriage). Murugaṉ placated Vaḷḷi by saying he married both by two means. Some devotees assert that Taipūsam refers to the story of the mollification of Deivāṉai. 16. The Taippūsam holy day grants a multitude of benefits. The devotees, seeking Kandhaṉ's mercy, make the pilgrimage by peregrination in hoards and visit Murugaṉ's sacred temples for worship. Especially important is the noteworthy Pazhani pilgrimage. 17. In the year 2020, the yearly Tai month's (Feb-Mar) full moon, Pūsa Nakṣatra, 8th February, and Saturday come to a confluence for the celebration of Taipūsam. Let us seek the Kandhan's temples and worship him. Let us receive Murugaṉ's mercy that grants boons for a life without hardship. |