is Ignorance! Author: P.N.Parasuraman
(Living things or organisms) created by God, should have divine
qualities. But, it is not so.
Grief and difficulties are ascendant in the created beings. Why
An example will illustrate this anomaly easily. We bought a brand-new
skillet for the kitchen. How is that skillet now? The skillet has caked
and burnt-in black residue in the bottom, defying scraping and cleaning.
We can’t tell the first time the blackness appeared on the skillet.
The cause of metempsychic hardship (பிறவித்
is our ignorance.
The delusive Māyai
is responsible for the hardship of birth (metempsychosis). Listening to
the Guru and such other endeavour lead to Mukti or liberation. The first
is hearing (கேட்டல்)
) from the Guru. Deliberation (சிந்தித்தல்)is
reflection of what is heard. Freedom from doubt is the third (= தெளிவு
Clearness of mind, freedom from doubt) which happens with the dawn and
daylight of knowledge. Is there help in the night of ignorance? Maindenē!
The obscuration caused by Māyai’s
power, is indescribable. It is
wicked and vice.
Hearing from the Guru is the first (கேட்டல்);
contemplation on what is
heard from the Guru is second (சிந்தித்தல்);
on what is heard is the third (தெளிந்திடல்);
meditation on the Supreme Reality
is the fourth(Jñāṇam):
these are the ways of attaining Mukti or liberation. The ones who abide
in these will obtain Mukti.
Verse 83, Sivapprakasam.
This verse depicts the saying of the Guru to his disciple about the
cause for birth, and the ways to attain Mukti, tranquility, peace…, the
two times such as day and night (Awakening and decline of the spirit),
the power of enveloping Māyā’s
nescience, and more importantly the word ‘Maindhā.’
Let us look at them in order. Maindhā,
though it occurs at the end of the verse, should be put initially and
find the explanation.
‘Maindhu’ has two meanings: Mayakkam and
faintness and energy). According to Tamil Dictionary, the Guru calls the
faintish (fainting) disciple ‘Maindhā.’
Moreover, the disciple has the power to free himself from danger
and ignorance. Therefore,
he calls him ‘Maindhā,’
meaning an energetic (energized) man.
If we want to free ourselves from anything, we should be cognizant of
our surroundings. We should have the energy and stratagem. A disciple is
such a person. That is why Gurunāthar calls him ‘Maindhā.’ Let us put
ourselves in Maindhā’s place and follow the verse.
Taking medicine is for good health. That is, the intent of medicating
ourselves is not to take medicine anymore (and prevent recurrence of
disease). Likewise, the intent of our birth is not to have any more
births. Not to be born again is a sure sign of Mukthi. To attain such
state, human birth is of immense help. The spiritual treatises say the
metempsychic sorrow will resolve itself and disappear, if we perform
four acts.
These four acts are Hearing, Contemplation, Clear
Comprehension, and Meditation.
We desire to eat mango. We
find out who owns the mango grove. Then we think how to steal the mango.
We find out that at 12 p.m. (noon) the watchman went on a lunchbreak.
We get the clear idea how to hit the mango out of the tree. What
is next? We break the unripe mango with a stone into two or three
pieces, smear it with chili and salt and eat it. That is supreme
epicurean delight. We feel exultant. That is Niṣtai
(realization from meditation). These four seem necessary for a mere
mango. If we desire to attain Mukthi…?
Sravanam is Kēṭṭal
or listening to the Guru… The verse talks about daytime and nighttime.
Here daytime means intellectual endowment and spiritual enlightement.
Nighttime is the opposite.
The nescience of wicked Māyā
has the power to impede the spiritual progress of man to attain the goal
of human birth, that is Muthi or liberation.
Will Continue…. |