சீடருடன் வந்த ஸ்ரீமந் நாராயணன்!
Sriman Narayana & His Disciple

       சக்தி விகடன் - 27 Apr, 2006

·       சிறப்பு கட்டுரை

Posted Date by Sakthi Vikatan : 06:00 (27/04/2006)

Sudhishanan was the disciple of Agastya Muni. He was inclined to playfulness and mischief. One day when Agastya was leaving for temple, he gave his prayer box and Salagrama to him and instructed him to hold them in safekeeping and offer prayers to Bhagavan.

Sudhishanan on his first day brought water from the lake and performed ritual ablution of Salagrama. (சாளக்கிராமம் cāḷakkirāmam, n. < Sāla- grāma. Black fossil ammonite worshipped as a form of Viṣṇu, chiefly found in the river Gandak). Being a lazy person, a thought dawned on him: If I take the prayer box to the riverside abounding in fruit trees and flower bushes, I could perform the ritual ablution, Naivēdyam (offerings to the deity) …there itself.

He carried his prayer box to the lakeshore. There were many Jaman plum trees full of fruits. The sons of Ṛṣi brought down fruits by throwing stones and ate them. Sudhishanan was playing and forgot about the enjoined prayers. He ate fruits. The sons of Rishi saw a big bunch of fruits on the tree. They were competing with one another about who would bring the bunch of fruits down. Each one threw his stone. Sudhishanan had no stone. Desire to eat the fruits was overwhelming. He took the Salagrama stone (Vishnu stone) and threw it to bring down the cluster of fruits.  The fruit bunch landed on his hands and the Vishnu stone was caught in the branches.

The boys knew there was a snake in the hole near the branches where the Vishnu Stone got stuck. No one dared to climb the tree to retrieve the sacred stone. Fear overtook Sudhishanan. What will he say to the Guru? The bunch of fruits were of the same size as the Vishnu Stone. He applied Sandal paste and returned it to the box. That evening Agastya came back. When Agastya opened the box next morning and retrieved the stone. The stone was pulpy and sticky. Agastya asked the boy, “What is this?” The boy replied, “The daily puja with ritual ablution made the Vishnu Stone soft. What am I to do?” The hesitant but angry Agastya chased him from his presence and told him, “If you care to return, come back with Sriman Narayana (Vishnu). If not, don’t you ever come back. Get lost.” Not knowing what to do, he fell prostrate at his feet with tears rolling down his face and left his presence.

He made a resolution in his mind he would not return to Agastya, no matter how many years it took, unless accompanied by Sriman Narayana. He observed austerities in Dandkaranya (Taṇṭakāraiyam for a long time so he was addressed by his honorific name Muni Sudhishanar.  (தண்டகாரணியம் Taṇṭakāraiyam = Daṇḍakaaraya. The forest of Daṇḍaka in Deccan, a famous resort of ascetics.)

During the forest exile of Sri Rama, Sudhishanar had Darśan of Rama. He took him to his Guru Agastya. He fulfilled his resolution he would return with Sriman Narayana (Rama is Sriman Narayana) to his Guru. This is an example of Guru Bhakti.