By C.Vetrivelsailapathy & C. Vetrivel C. Ravikumar
Viṣṇu Kāñchi
It is common to divide Kāñchi into Viṣṇu
Kāñchi, and Śiva Kāñchi, the reason being, Kāñchi shines to that extent
as a two-sect sacred place for an abundance of temples. At present,
Aththivaradhar rose from the bottom of Aṉantha Saras, the holy pond, and
offers grace to devotees. There are 14 Divya Desams in the greater
Kāñchi inclusive of Varadharaja Perumal, wherein Aththivaradhar stays.
The Purāṇās state that all Divya Desa Temples
have a connection with Aththivaradhar. Worshipping all the Divya Desams
collectively yields good fruits. Āzhvārs and Āchāryars worshipped in
these temples in a plethora of poses with Viṣṇu sitting, standing, and
recumbent. Each Divya Dēsam has a unique feature. It is wonderful to
worship and receive Darsan of all of them in one day
Presently, in anticipation of Darsan of
Aththivarathar, the Divya Desa shrines present a festival atmosphere.
The Aththivarathar devotees go to the other Divya Desa shrines to
worship Tirumal with joy. Come all for the Ādi month's Darsan of Vishnu,
who offers his grace to the devotees. |
வரதராஜ பெருமாள் கோயில்
Varadharāja Perumāḷ Koi
Ādhikēsava Perumāḷ
`Site: Thirukacchi
God: Dēvarājaṉ (the King of gods), Pēraruḷāḷaṉ
(Grantor of Great Grace)
Thāyār: Perundēvi
Thīrtham: Aṉanthasaras, Golden Lotus.
தலச் சிறப்புகள் : Site special features
Among the Vaiṣṇva temples, the most important
is Varadharāja Perumāḷ Temple. Alzhvārs sang panegyric poems. This
temple with the resident God Perumāḷ appeared when Brahma performed
Yāgam. Perumāḷ Koil. Perumāḷ, because he not only safeguarded the Yāgam
but also gave him all the needed boons, earned the name ‘Varadharājar.’
This temple is where Varadharājar gave Darshan to Nārada Muṉi, Brahma,
Ādhisēṣaṉ, and Gajēndhiraṉ. The said temple is where Sṛīhyagrīvar and
Agasthiyar received Sṛīvidyai instructions. Ādhiaththivaradhar is in a
state of sleep in Ānanthasaras, the sacred temple pond, and once in 40
years emerges from his sleep in the tank to offer grace.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்பு : The greatness of worship
Supplicating to the God of this temple
augments the prosperity in the family besides excellence in learning and
inquiry. Supplicating to Perundēvi frees us from poverty. Boon of
progeny is obtainable. If you touch and pay homage to the Devas in the
appearance of the golden and silver lizards, many faults and sins will
leave from a devotee. |
ஆதிகேசவப் பெருமாள்
கோயில் Ādhikēsava Perumāḷ Koiḷ
Ādhikēsava Perumāḷ
Site: Aṭṭapuyakkaram
Resident God: Ādhikēsavaṉ, Gajendhiraṉ.
Thāyār (Mother Goddess): Alarmēlmaṇgai,
Tīrtham: Gajēndhira Puṣkaraṇi.
The special feature of the temple
Kaliamakaḷ, offended by Brahma’s conduct of
Yāgam without inviting her, decided to stop the Yāgam and drove the
Asuras against Brahma. Eight-handed Perumāḷ known by the eponym
‘Aṭṭapuyakkaratthōṉ’ appeared to help Brahma, restrained Kāḷi and
destroyed the Asuras. This was the temple site where Perumāḷ appeared to
offer Mukthi to Gajēndhiraṉ, according to the historical records of the
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்பு : Special features of
The temple records indicate Perumāḷ subjugated
Kāḷi and offered boons to Brahma. That is why the devotees after
worshiping Perumāḷ, go to the nearby Karuṇkāḷiyammaṉ for worship: a
wonderful practice. Since Gajēndhiravaradhaṉ responded to the distress
call, he goes by the eponym ‘Ādhimūlam’ the name a devotee can call out
for immediate help during dangerous times. |
விளக்கொளி பெருமாள்
கோயில் Viḷakkoḷi Perumāḷ Kōiḷ
Viḷakkoḷi Perumāḷ Kōiḷ
Site: Thirutthaṇkā (thūppul)
God: Viḷakkoḷi Perumāḷ (Thīppirakāsar)
Thāyār: Marakathavalli
Thīrttham: Sarasvathi Thīrttham
தலச் சிறப்புகள் : Temple's uniqueness
Thaṇ (தண்) means coolness. Kā means grove.
Since Brahmadēvaṉ chose this cool grove to perform the Yāgam, the site
received the name 'Thiruthaṇkā.’ Sarasvathi Dēvi's efforts to block the
Yāgam were fruitless but brought darkness in the world by causing loss
of light from the sun and the moon and immersing the world in darkness.
Inclined to help Brahma, Tirumāl appeared as Jyōti suffused with light
and offered illumination. Sarasvati brought all her powers together,
morphed it as an Asura named ‘Māya Nalaṉ and dispatched him for evil
deeds. Tirumāl hoisted the Asura with his hand and spread his light to
the Yāgam. That is why Perumāl received the eponymous name, ‘Viḷakkoḷi
Perumāḷ.’ Tirumaṇgai Ālvār sang laudatory poems on the temple.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்பு : The uniqueness of
It is the belief that the hardships in life
will end when the distressed individuals supplicate to Viḷakkoḷi
Perumāḷ. Worshipping God three times a day with lit lamps, the God will
appear as Light and chase the hardships away, according to tradition. |
அழகிய சிங்க பெருமாள்
கோயில் Beautiful Siṇga Perumāḷ Temple.
Beautiful Siṇga
Perumāḷ Temple
Site: Tiruvēḷukkai
Resident God: Mukunthanāyakaṉ
Mother Goddess (Thāyār): Vēḷukkaivalli.
Tīrttham (Sacred water): Kaṇaka Saras,
Site uniqueness.
After Narasimhar in his incarnation as Rudra
Mūrthy protected his devotee Prahalāthaṉ, he settled down in this site
with tranquility. Since Narasimhar thought of staying in this place with
desire, this site received the name ‘Vēḷirukkai.’ Later its name was
Tiruvēḷirukkai. To safeguard Brahma’s Yāgam from the Asuras, Narasimhar
appeared in Hasthi Sailam and destroyed the Asuras. He has holy names
like, ‘Āḷ ari’ and ‘Mukuntha Nāyakaṉ. Perumāḷ gave Darsan to Bhṛgu Muṉi
in this shrine as Azhagiya Siṇga Perumāḷ.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்புகள் : Uniqueness of
The tradition is that Perumāḷ protects the
distressed devotees with compassion who seek him for relief. This is the
site of the shrine where he settled down to alleviate the hardship of
the devotees with love and exuberance. Swamy Dēsikar sang ‘Kāmāṣīṣtakam’
and eulogized Perumāḷ. The belief is chanting Kāmāṣīṣtakam’ in praise of
Perumāḷ brings a plethora of grace to the singer, devotee, and seeker.
பாண்டவ தூதர் பெருமாள்
கோயில் Pāṇḍava Emissary Perumāḷ Temple.
Pāṇḍavar Emissary
Perumāḷ Temple.
Shrine: Tiruppādakam
Resident God: Pāṇḍava Thūthar or emissary
Goddess: Rukmaṇi Sathyabhāmā
Site uniqueness
After the Bhārata war was over, King
Jaṉamējayar listened to Vaisampāyaṉar, the story of Bhārata. Jaṉamējayar
was in Tapas wanting to see Krishna in his role as envoy sitting in the
subterranean hall and have Darsan of Krishna in his Visvarūpa
manifestation (Transmutation or Universal form). This site was where
Jaṉamējayar witnessed the Universal form of Krishna. Since Krishna went
as the envoy of the Pañchapāṇḍavars, he receives worship as ‘Pāṇḍava
Thūthap Perumāḷ.’ On this site, Rōhiṇi Dēvi worshipped Krishna Bhagavāṉ
and earned the opportunity to go to Chandra.
. வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்புகள் : Uniqueness of
17. This was the site when Krishna Bhagavāṉ
anchored his feet on this earth and granted grace with his
Visvapāthayōga Sakthis. The prevailing faith among the devotees is
circumambulation by foot or by body-rolling around the shrine will face
no difficulties. Worshipping Pāṇḍava Thūthap Perumāḷ on Wednesdays,
Saturdays, Rōhiṇi, Aṣtami, and Thithi has a special significance.
நிலாத்திங்கள்துண்டத்தான் Nilātthiṇgaḷthuṇdatthāṉ
நிலாத்திங்கள்துண்டத்தான் Nilātthiṇgaḷthuṇdatthāṉ
Ekāmbaranāthar Temple.
Temple Site: Nilātthiṇgaḷ
Thāyār: Nērōruvarillāvalli
Tīrttham: Chandra Tīrttham
Unique features of the temple.
In Kāñchi, this is the Divya Dēsam in a
separate shrine within the temple complex of the famous Ekāmbaranāthar
Kōil. Pārvati Dēvi performed Tapas in Kāñchi. To test Pārvati, Śiva set
the nearby tree on fire. Immediately, Pārvati supplicated to Perumāḷ in
his Vāmana incarnation. Perumāḷ appeared and directed the rays of the
moon on the fire, cooled, and extinguished it. That is why Perumāḷ took
the eponymous name of ‘Nilātthiṇgal Thuṇdatthāṉ.’ Tirumaṇgai Āzhvār sang
panegyric poems on this Divya Dēsam.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்பு :The greatness of worship
Since this Divya Dēsam is inside the
Ekāmbaranāthar Temple, the Śivācchāriyārs perform Pūjai according to
Śaivite worship protocols. Since Perumāḷ assented to Pārvati to remove
the heat and grant coolness with grace, supplication to Perumāḷ removes
hardships and gives joy to the devotees, according to their belief.
உலகளந்தபெருமாள் கோயில்
UlakaḷanthaPerumāḷ Temple.
Site: Tiruūrakam.
Indwelling God: UlakaḷanthaPerumāḷ,
Trivikkaramap Perumāḷ
Thāyār (Mother Goddess): Amudhavalli
Sacred water: Nāga Tīrttham.
Site’s uniqueness
Emperor Mahābali descended to the Pādāla Lōkam
(Netherworld) because of a push by the foot of Tirumāl who strode the
three worlds. Because of the shove and push, Mahābali could not witness
the sight of the three-word stride Viṣṇu took. Staying in the
Netherworld, Mahābali observed penance for the privilege of seeing the
Ulakaḷantha Perumāl (Perumāḷ who strode the world). Joyous at his Tapas,
Viṣṇu gave Mahābali a holy Darsan of his ornate posture of the World
Strider. This bears the name Tiruvūrakam.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்புகள் : Uniqueness of Worship
If you supplicate to this Perumāḷ who strode
the world and granted grace to his devotees, the mountain-like hardship
will melt away like snow. The childless couples offer sweet porridge as
Naivēthyam and worship the deity. The devotees believe that the couple
will soon have the joy of progeny.
சொன்ன வண்ணம் செய்த
பெருமாள் Perumāḷ kept his word.
சொன்ன வண்ணம் செய்த
பெருமாள் Perumāḷ kept his word.
Perumāḷ who kept his word
Site: Tiruvekkā
Indweller: Yathōtthakāri
Thāyār: Kōmaḷavalli
The uniqueness of the temple
When Tirumazhisai Azhvār was rendering holy
services at the temple, he conferred the gift of youth to an old woman,
having appreciated her good soul and her long service at the temple. The
news reached the king, who asked the disciple of the Āzhvār, named
Kaṉikkaṇṇaṉ. He rejected his proposal. The king ordered him expelled out
of the country. Having heard of the exile of his disciple, he decided on
his self-imposed exile. The Āzhvār implored to Perumāḷ, “What business
do you have in a town where we have no residential permit? Go with us.”
The Perumāl earned the name, Soṉṉavaṇṇam Seytha Perumāḷ (The Perumāḷ who
did as he was told).
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்புகள் : Uniqueness of
Tirumāl’s recumbent sacred posture is
dextrorotary. When he came back after a visit with Azvār, this temple’s
Perumāḷ is recumbent in a levorotary posture. The Bakthas say that upon
supplication, the temple’s Indweller (God) all yearnings come to
fulfillment. |
உலகளந்த பெருமாள்
கோயில் Ulakaḷantha Perumāḷ Kōil.
Shrine: Thirukkārakam
Indwelling God: Karuṇākara Perumāḷ
Thāyār: Padmāmaṇi
Tīrttham: Akrāya Tīrttham
The uniqueness of the temple.
In Ulakaḷantha Perumāḷ Kōil’s premises, this
is one of the four Divaya Dēsams. The deity gives Darsan as the
Karuṇākara Perumāḷ. Here is the sacred place, Perumāḷ gave Darsan to
Gārha Mahaṛiṣi. This shrine bears the name Tirukkārakam because Mahaṛiṣi
paid homage to Perumāḷ and received Jñaṉam.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்புகள் : Uniqueness of worship
The devotees worship the Indwelling God in
this shrine, so to abandon Āṇavam (Ego). The tradition holds the view
worship of Karuṇākara Perumāḷ make the devotee excel and shine in arts
and sciences. |
கள்வப்பெருமாள் கோயில்
Kaḷvapperumāḷ Kōil.
Kaḷvap Perumāḷ
Kāmakṣiammaṉ Kōil.
Site and shrine: Tirukkaḷvaṉūr
Indwelling God: Ādhi Varāhar
Thāyār: Añjalaivalli
Sacred water-pond: Nitya Puṣkaraṇi
Unique features of the shrine.
This Divya Dēsam exists within the temple
complex of Kāñchīpuram Kāmākṣiamman Temple. Since she was egoistic about
her beauty, she lost her physical form and became a formless entity.
After performing Tapas, she regained what she lost. Then, Perumāḷ in the
guise of Ādhivar, hid himself in a pillar and looked at Lakṣmi. That is
why the celebrated indwelling God in this shrine bears the moniker, “Kaḷvap
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்புகள் : Uniqueness of worship
Aṉṉai Mahālakṣmi offers grace in her formless
form as depicted on the other wall of her inner sanctum of the shrine.
Application of kumkum on the wall and worshipping Ādhivarāhar increase
the prosperity in the family, help advance career possibilities. The
devotees offer Naivettiam in the form of Curd rice and reap benefits and
grace. |
உலகளந்த பெருமாள்
கோயில் Ulakaḷantha Perumāḷ Kōil.
Ulakaḷantha Perumāḷ
Shrine: Tirukkārvāṉam
Indwelling God: Kaḷvarperumāḷ, Kārvāṉap
Thāyār: Kamalavalli
Sacred Pond: Gauri Tīrttham
The uniqueness of the shrine.
Of the Ulakaḷantha
Perumāḷ sites, Tirukkārvāṉam, one of the four Divya Desams
received the pride of place of being sung and extolled by Tirumaṇgai
Āzhvār as ‘Kārvāṉaththuḷḷāi Kaḷvā’ (the thief of Kārvāṉam). It is
noteworthy that we see four Divya Desams here: Ūrakam, Kārakam, Nīrakam,
and Kārvāṉam.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்பு : Uniqueness of worship
If you receive Darsan of Kārvāṉap Perumāḷ, you
will have Jñāṉam, and proficiency in education, according to the belief
of the devotees.
பவளவண்ணப் பெருமாள்
கோயில் Pavaḷavaṇṇap Perumāḷ
Pavaḷavaṇṇap Perumāḷ
Temple Site: Tiruppavaḷa Vaṇṇam
Indwelling God: Pavaḷavaṇṇap Perumāḷ
Thāyār: Pavaḷavalli Nācchiyār
Sacred freshwater Pond: Chakra Tīrttham
The uniqueness of the temple.
Seeing the defeat of all her attempts to stop
the Yāgam of Brahma, Sarasvati assembled and launched the cruelest
Arakkar force. Perumāḷ, having annihilated the Arakkars in a flash, was
soaking wet in blood and appeared like a coral red gem. That is why this
site’s Indwelling God offers his grace as Coral-Red Perumāḷ.
The uniqueness of worship. The servitors of
this temple’s grace granting Santhāṉa Krishnar declare offering prayers
to him ensures progeny. Bathing in the Chakra Tīrtham and paying homage
to the resident God guarantees increasing prosperity and eradication of
all Dōṣams (deficiencies, faults). The devotees believe paying tribute
to the guardians of eight quarters on the upper roof of the front
Mandapam of Pavaḷavalli Thāyār. |
வைகுந்த பெருமாள்
கோயில் Vaikuntha Perumāḷ Kōil
Vaikuntha Perumāḷ Kōil
Temple Site: Tirupparamēcchura Viṇṇakaram
Indwelling God: Paramapathanāthaṉ
Thāyār: Vaikunthavalli
Sacred fresh water pond: Airammatha Tīrttham
The uniqueness of Temple site.
This is a three-story Temple. The temple’s
Perumāḷ offers Darsan in the sitting, recumbent, and standing sacred
postures. On the first floor, Vaikuntha Perumāḷ offers grace in a
sitting posture, on the second floor as Araṇganāthar in Āṉantha Sayaṉa
posture, and on the third floor as Paramapathanāthar in the standing
posture. The historical temple records state thus.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்பு: The uniqueness of
The Uniqueness of worship. It is the tradition
that a devotee, upon paying homage to Vaikuntha Perumāḷ in his sitting,
recumbent and standing postures, will attain Vaikuṇtam with certainty.
For those with no children will gain progeny by supplicating to Perumāḷ
here. Also, for a disease-free and a long life for their children, the
parents plead to God for fulfillment. |
பச்சை வண்ணப் பெருமாள்
கோயில் Green-colored-Perumāḷ Temple
Green-colored Perumāḷ
Temple site: Green color
Indwelling God: Green-colored Perumāḷ
Thāyār or Goddess: Marakathavalli Thāyār
Sacred Pond water: Cjakkra Tīrtham
The uniqueness of the Temple.
Thought this is not Divya Dēsam, the devotees
considering this temple as worthy as Divya Dēsam, come here for the
Darsan of Pacchaivaṇṇar. Pavaḷa Vaṇṇa shrine site and green-colored
shrine face each other.
வழிபாட்டுச் சிறப்புகள் : Uniqueness of
The traditional belief is that worshipping
Pacchai Vaṇṇap Perumāḷ, Tirumaṇa Dōṣam, Putra Dōṣam, and Nāga Dōṣam will
vanish. The color of Buda is green; since Ādhidēvata is Viṣṇu; the
traditional belief is Darsan and worship of the green-colored Perumāḷ
yield Bhagavaṉ’s favor. |
விஷ்ணு காஞ்சி Viṣṇu
Kāñchi |