Akbar was the emporor and Birbal was a close advisor.
Depletion of forest of animals by hunting is equated to depletion of the property of the bride's father by dowry demands.
Inspiratio:  சிறுவர் மலர் - Siruvar kathaikal, Tamil Kids Stories, Siru Kathaigal, தமிழ் சிறுவர் கதைகள், சிறுகதைகள் (siruvarmalar.com)
1. That morning, as soon as Birbal saw Akbar, he knew what the emperor was planning for the day. Dressed in equestrian attire, Akbar focused on an array of weapons with meticulous attention, emphasizing his concern for the weaponry rather than anything else.
2. Understanding Akbar's plan for a hunt, Birbal, although aware that hunting was Akbar's favorite pastime, did not share the same enthusiasm. Contemplating how to intervene, he resolved to find a way to dissuade Akbar from his hunting pursuits.
3. Turning away from his weapons, Akbar addressed Birbal, asking, "Do you know what I'm going to do today?" Birbal, maintaining a calm demeanor, responded, "I don't possess the ability to read minds." Akbar insisted, accusing Birbal of feigned ignorance, to which Birbal affirmed alignment with Akbar's opinions.
4. Akbar, skeptical of Birbal's response, urged him to join the hunt. Birbal, conceding, replied humbly, "I am willing to follow your orders." Akbar expressed appreciation for Birbal's company, emphasizing that being with him alleviated fatigue.
5. Akbar, curious about Birbal's strength, inquired if the Lord who endowed him with verbal prowess also bestowed physical strength. Birbal affirmed, and the exchange continued, establishing a camaraderie between them.
6. Akbar, accompanied by a large army, ventured into the forest for the hunt. The loud trumpeting and drumming of Akbar's soldiers created chaos among the wild animals, prompting Akbar and his soldiers to pursue and kill them.
7. Amidst the hunt, a tiger emerged, agitated by the noise. Akbar swiftly threw a spear, felling the tiger with a growl. Akbar celebrated, and the soldiers cheered.
8. By evening, Akbar successfully hunted another tiger. After the rest, Akbar and Birbal engaged in conversation.
9. As dusk fell, the two enjoyed the melodious voices of returning birds. Owls hooting in a nearby tree caught their attention.
10. Expressing a desire to understand the owls' language, Akbar asked Birbal if he knew it. Birbal claimed to know and interpreted a conversation between owl "parents" discussing dowry in a humorous manner.
11. Akbar questioned the feasibility of the dowry, and Birbal explained the allegory, linking it to Akbar's hunting activities depleting the forests of animals. (The bride’s father is not blabbering but makes good sense. The owl speaks like that because of your courage in depleting the forest of animals!” said Birbal with laughter. “Right! the owl is a blabbermouth, and you are one too!” Akbar said. “I am not a blabber, lord! Not even the owl,” said Birbal. ’’ Once you come to hunt, all the animals in the forest are killed. So far you have made twenty forests animal-free. And if you hunt twenty times in the next six weeks, the remaining twenty forests will be empty! It is in that courage that the owl (the bride’s father) says so!” said Birbal.)
12. Birbal's explanation, akin to a slap in the face, silenced Akbar. Bowing his head in shame for his actions, Akbar admitted, “Birbal! You've opened my eyes today! I understand that killing wild animals for my own pleasure is a mean act. The depletion of the forest of animals is as cruel and unequal treatment of animals as is the depletion of the property of the bride's father through dowry demands. I am going to stop hunting from today," said Akbar.
13. Birbal couldn't believe his ears. He didn't think Akbar's mind would change so easily. “Birbal! Why do you have that look on you? Listen to what I just said and tell me what that owl says!” said Akbar. “It says that the Emperor has changed his mind, so I can no longer give him (the groom’s father) the forests free of animals as a dowry!” said Birbal, and Akbar laughed loudly.

14. The revelation left Akbar amused, and he chuckled at the owl's supposed response. The exchange between Akbar and Birbal, marked by wit and wisdom, concluded with a profound realization for Akbar about the societal implications of his actions. The analogy between the depletion of animals through hunting and the unfair depletion of the bride's father's property by dowry demands provided a valuable lesson for the children on the importance of empathy and equality.