TheSkiJumpNose |
TheSkiJumpNose. July/2024 Dr. Exwhyzee was a Fertility doctor in a big city. For about twenty-five years he was busy with his practice of helping women get pregnant with anonymous donors, mostly medical students. Years went by with happy women, for having had children of their own with the help of XYZ, M.D. When the doctor retired, he did pro bono work for his alma mater. He conducted annual physical exams and treated children with acute minor illnesses. The doctor took his brother-in-law(BIL) from the fertility clinic with him to the school. Mr. James, one of the schoolteachers, became ill and needed a bone marrow transplantation. The school checked several teachers, BIL and the doctor too for a matching donor at a separate facility, not connected with the fertility clinic. BIL was a perfect match and agreed to give his marrow for transplantation to the young teacher. The mother (Ms. BRN) came to the school to thank BIL and realized BIL worked in the fertility clinic of Dr. Exwhyzee. BIL had a cute ski-jump nose. She received treatment at the fertility clinic in the past. She spent several sleepless nights thinking about the near-perfect ski-jump nose BIL and her son shared. She knew three women who were patients of Dr. XYZ. Ms. BRN visited those mothers and noticed the children also had ski-jump noses. She obtained BIL’s and the doctor’s DNA results by surreptitious means from the old records of the bone marrow transplantation facility. After a long cogitation, she consulted a lawyer. The lawyer received the names of all women who went to Dr. Exwhyzee for fertility treatment. The lawyer (Mr. RR) wrote a confidential letter to all the women and raised the possibility that BIL in the fertility clinic could be the putative father of their children. Ms. BRN and Mr. RR worried that if BIL’s children could meet and fall in love, it would amount to incest and result in fetal anomalies. Knowing that possibility, they could not let the matter slide. By invitation, the parents and the children assembled in a medical pavilion and had all their blood samples taken for study. The children, mostly preteens, were having fun comparing their ski-jump noses. They were particularly interested in how high the jump-off point (the bulbous part of the nose) rose in each of them. One of them received the highest score. They all had a lusty laugh. The DNA match between BIL and the children was perfect. No one could vouch for the authenticity and identity of the test takers and the specimens; such notions did not occur to anyone. The lawyer Mr. RR communicated with Dr. XYZ with the DNA proof of BIL as the DNA of a putative father of the children. Several meetings took place between the lawyers from both sides. Dr. XYZ informed BIL about his DNA matching those of the children. One day, BIL’s lawyer reported to the women’s lawyer that BIL was missing. Months later, BIL’s lawyer revealed that BIL left the country leaving his property to the children, who were presumed to have his DNA match as evidence of paternity. BIL’s lawyer further revealed that BIL had joined a fertility clinic in a foreign country with which The USA did not have extradition treaty. BIL was not really the father of the children. The impersonator, the biological father somehow managed to have someone else (here, BIL) take a spurious tests every time but donate his own biological fluid and the bone marrow, all in BIL's name. The records reflected the impersonator's true DNA under the name of BIL. He took the fall for a pillionaire in the city, who with the help of BIL deposited the specimens in the storage facility for many years. The pillionaire is still living in the city knowing that his DNA will live forever. The pillionaire was the one with the ski-jump nose. And BIL was a distant cousin of the pillionaire, sporting a prosthetic ski-jump nose, an artifice which guaranteed access to all the facilities for the impersonator to carry out his nefarious activities. The pillionaire had a natural and familial ski-jump nose and his cousin had the prosthetic nose, which made it easy for the pillionaire to impersonate BIL. The sleuths wondered whether the exquisite pornography in the fertility clinic was the main attraction for his profligacy. To this day, the polygamous pillionaire remains anonymous and roams the city scot-free but gleeful at his profligate but prolific lifestyle. The pillionaire proved that his DNA was superior to that of his poor distant cousin, BIL. This story is a Big-City example of polygyny mating system (PMS) or Male Intrasexual selection (MIS): one male consorting with many females by all means. Genghis Khan was a typical example. As he swept over the land conquering the hapless kings and chieftains, he had the extraordinary opportunity to leave his DNA imprint everywhere. His progeny graces now the lands he conquered. The Y chromosome , however anemic with gene counts compared to the robust X chromosome, gets transferred intact (from father to son) without the usual Give and Take (Recombo) that takes place with other chromosomes. Thus, Y chromosome is gene-poor and junk-rich. Y is the graveyard for ‘bits and pieces of old viruses, dead genes and very simple runs of a few bases repeated over and over.’ A kind of genetic stutter/stammer. This junk lights up under the microscope when you add a little florescent dye. Y has 22 genes, while X has 1,000 genes. But Y's SRY (Sex-determining Region Yprotein) is the king. The X chromosome does not have a queen. In harems of olden days, PMS was the norm. In modern times, there are plenty of neighborhood studs playing their role in PMS on a minor anemic scale. SRY = Sex-Determining region Y protein. The SRY in the Y makes the ridge of cells become the testes in the fetus. Without a Y chromosome and a SRY gene, the same ridge of cells develops into an ovary in XX (girl) embryos. Female hormones then direct the development of female features in the baby girl Pillionaire: One who accumulates a net worth exceeding one billion dollars through the manufacturing, marketing, and sales of pillows. The Pillionaire in this story was a pillion rider. The mystery man in the story always rode on the pillion of his cousin's motorbike and thus qualifies as a pillionaire. Male Intrasexual Selection (MIS) is the copying of a single man's Y or X and fathering many children as in a harem. |
The Y chromosome is a loner and a loser; the tedious Y rejects the advances of X chromosome to exchange genes except at the ends (PAR- PseudoAutosomal Region, 5% of Y; and yet containing plenty of non-recombinant genes, when they ( the X and the Y) do the dance of "give and take." The reason for lack of recombination is the Y chromosome went topsy-turvy, the medicalese for it is Inversion. Just imagine a person walking on hands and you want to shake hands with him. The Y stays topsy-turvy all life, unwilling and unable to do the Recombinant Dance. The DNA on the Y mostly belongs to "Boys-only-club," also known as NRY (non-recombining region of Y constituting 95% of the Y chromosome), which does not participate in recombination of exchange. The X is not welcome in the exclusive Y-only club. There are 20 genes here, some of which doing the housekeeping functions and being copies of genes on the X and the other genes enhancing male fertility and having many copies in Y. The Y allows the X-origin housekeepers to do the cleaning (apoptosis = programmed cell death), and energy provision. (Now you know what it means: Your (X) place is in the kitchen: Nourishing, Cooking, and Cleaning. Atrocious. We can't do anything about it.) The housekeeping genes (maternal origin) are found elsewhere in other organs. It is said that part of the HKG (mtDNA) came from viruses. |
Now hear this.
The Y has been an immigrant haven for new genes. (You heard it right. You mention Immigration; some people cringe.) Not all immigrants are welcome. Only the chosen ones are welcome. Copies of DAZ fertility genes from chromosome 3 found their way to live in the Y chromosome. DAZ genes find expression only in testis. Nuts! (DAZ = Deleted in AZoospermia. Azoospermia = no sperms in the fluid). Some males with infertility lack the DAZ male fertility gene (sperm gene). Chromosome 3 has DAZ-like (DAZL) gene. Now you know why males show off their Razzle-DAZL and the family jewels. This Razzle-DAZL rascal copied itself on to the Y chromosome about thirty million years ago. The teeny-weeny Y chromosome (see the unflatering photo below!) stands on a pedestal for no good reason. The female scientist, Nettie Maria Stevens put the X & Y on the map for the first time. The simple fact is the sex chromosomes were unsexy autosomes, a long time ago: Millions of years. |
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The Y is a runt
because it refused to recombine with the X except at the very ends and
it lost chromosomes. The Y did not do the Give and Take, a Dance with
the X, essential for its health and longevity. Just imagine the loss of
genes: a few thousand dwindling down to a few dozen in the humans. Let
us accept the fact: The Y is a loser. And a loner. And a self-described
scintillant! Hold
your horses! Enough is enough. No more vituperation. When the cell divides, the autosomes (non-sex chromosomes) do the recombination dance of Give and Take. Similar or identical parts of autosomes break and recombine with the fellow on the opposite side every time the cell divides. Example: That is how a great grandchild gets great great grandpa's nose and grandmother's ears. During this process body gets rid of mutant - damaged - genes or they accumulate. If there is no recombination, there is an accumulation of Junk - damaged genes. Or the mutants along with the gene get deleted or inactivated (Junk). Over millions of years the Y gets progressively smaller from loss of genes and carries a father-lode of junk (not mother lode). The Y loves junk. The Y likes its junk (The Scintillant) flouresce under the microscope. A sleazebag to the core. You are warned. No more invectives. |
Coming to serious science subject, here is the
bird's eye view. X and Y have problems with their numbers as follows. Refer (Wikipedia) XX is the female. XY is the male. Any addition or deletion is an altered state. Normal chromosome count is 46. Mosaic = some cells have normal 46 chromosomes. Some cells in the same person have more or less chromosomes. IIn humans this may refer to:
The XYY Man began as a series of novels by Kenneth Royce, featuring the character of William (or Willie) 'Spider' Scott, a one-time cat-burglar who leaves prison aiming to go straight but finds his talents still to be very much in demand by both the criminal underworld and the British secret service. Scott has an extra Y chromosome that supposedly gives him a criminal predisposition – although he tries to go straight, he is genetically incapable of doing so. - Wikipedia |
Nettie Maria Stevens (July 7, 1861 – May 4, 1912)[1] was an American geneticist who discovered the sex chromosomes. She identified the small chromosome currently known as the Y chromosome in the mealworm Tenebrio. She deduced that the chromosomal basis of sex depended on the smaller Y chromosome carried by the male. An egg fertilized by a sperm that carries the small chromosome becomes a male while an egg fertilized by a sperm with the larger chromosome X becomes female. -- Wikipedia |
![]() Discovered the XY Sex-determination system |